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In This Issue


October 2017
President's Letter
Happy Fall!
We are now in full swing filling our calendar with events as we continue to fulfill our mission to
"Increase Understanding of ... the Issues ... through Education and Advocacy".

We received positive feedback from those who attended our Fall Kickoff, "Home is a Human
Right". Thank you to Drinks and Dialogue and Second Tuesday Committees for the successful

We have several opportunities in October to continue our goal. Second Tuesday (Oct. 10.) will
discuss HB 1252 Insuring one semester of Civics Education in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. Leaguers
Who Lunch (Oct.10) will offer a discussion of the issues. Drinks & Dialogue (Oct. 19) will focus
on the 2020 Census. Finally, Voter Services (Oct. 24) will offer information on Automatic Voter
Registration, Crosscheck and ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center). I hope you
will be able to attend these informative gatherings.
The members of the Centennial Committee continue to develop ideas for the 2018 Convention
in Chicago. They are looking to finalize our involvement in the event. At least one hundred
volunteers will be needed to make it a success. Get ready to raise your hand!

We are looking at an end in sight with our application to become a 501(c)(3) organization.
The Conflict of Interest Statement was approved at the September Board meeting.

From the Archives:
In 1921 the Suburban Civics and Equal Suffrage Association, founded in 1906, changed the
name to the Oak Park Civics League after the enactment of the 19th Amendment. It was
affiliated with the League of Women Voters. In 1924 they decided to disband and become a
working unit of the League - the Oak Park League of Women Voters. The opening meeting,
10/9/24 at a State Board member's house in Oak Park, had 250 members in attendance.
Meeting overflow had to go to a neighbor's house. Three speakers representing political parties
(Republican, Democratic, and LaFolette) spoke on Presidential nominees and Party Platforms.
Another meeting on 10/28 had 200 in attendance. Membership during the first five years of the
League was about 600.

Marge Massarello

Second Tuesday
On Tuesday, October 10, Rep. Camille Lilly will be our presenter for Second Tuesday. Come to the Nineteenth Century Club, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park, from 9:30-11:00am to learn more about House Bill 1252, which proposes including Civics Education in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.  Bring a friend along to join you.
Leaguers who Lunch
Our new program, Leaguers Who Lunch, is a great way to learn more about our League in a relaxed, informal environment. Members and non members are welcome.  On Tuesday, October 10,  we will meet at Lea French Street Food, 106 N. Marion St., Oak Park, at 11:30 am. Attendees are responsible for their own meals.
Drinks & Dialogue
This month, our Drinks & Dialogue program will be hearing from Benjamin Aldred, UIC Government Information Specialist, discussing "Census 2020: What we need to know to get ready." Please j oin us on
Thursday,  October 19th, from 5:30-7:00pm , at Skrine Chops House, 7230 W. Madison, Forest Park.  Come and be counted!
Protect Your Vote!
The Voter Service Committee will have representatives from the State Board of Elections and the Cook County Clerk's Office for a presentation on voting issues. What is the ISBE, who is on it, and what does it do to monitor Cross Check and ERIC, both across state voter accuracy systems. How will the new Automatic Voter Registration Bill be implemented and when? All these questions and more will be answered by our presenters. Invite your neighbors to this presentation on Tuesday, October 24, from 7:00 - 8:30pm, at the Oak Park Township Senior Room, 130 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. This event will be taped and posted on our website for the benefit of any members that cannot attend.
Please join us in welcoming new members Laura Bruzas, Sheila Elliott, Katie Garner, Joanne, Rosado, Kelly McCarthy, and Lynn Ryan. Thanks for joining our League and we hope to see you at our upcoming events!
News to Use
LWVIL State of the State Luncheon - There is still time to buy your tickets to hear Sen. Dick Durbin and investigative reporter Renee Ferguson on Wednesday, October 11.   RSVP by TODAY for your tickets

LWV Chicago October Newsletter 

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301