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In This Issue

November 2017
Second Tuesday
"Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth in Our Community" will be the discussion topic by Linda Francis, Director of Success of All Youth from the OPRF Community Foundation at the November 14, Second Tuesday presentation. Join the conversation from 9:30-11:00 am at the Nineteenth Century Club, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. This will be the first of an annual update to track progress and gauge how the League can most effectively support the work of fostering achievement among all children in our communities. Parking is free for the first hour in the Vantage building next door. What a deal!
Drinks & Dialogue
On Thursday, November 16, from 5:30-7:00pm, Drinks & Dialogue will have Carrie Chapman from the Legal Council for Health Justice, discuss the current challenges to the Affordable Care Act stemming from the President's recent executive orders. Join us for some good discussion along with refreshments.  Open to the public, so invite friends and neighbors. And if you missed the October D & D discussion about the 2020 Census, you can watch video of the 2020 Census Program Management Review Committee here . Settle in for a long watch!
Environmental Opportunities 
Interested in our community's environment? Attend our League's Environment Committee meeting tonight, October 30, at Beverly Graham's house starting at 6:30 pm. Contact Beverly for more information.

Interested in a bigger environmental picture? There is still time to sign up for the LWV Lake Michigan Region November 9 Annual Meeting in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  All LWV members in IL, IN, MI, & WI are members of LWV-LMR. Invite your friends around the Great Lakes and learn more about state and federal issues and policies impacting Lake Michigan.  Sign up here.
Education Symposium
On October 16, the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability held a symposium on the topic, "The Politics of Revenue: The Future of Education in Illinois".  If you couldn't attend, you can watch a live stream of the event here.
Cook County News
LWV Cook County is busy observing budget sessions for all departments of the Cook County Board. Because Commissioners repealed the soda tax, these budget hearings have taken on particular importance to balance revenue and expenditures for the next budget year.  If you want to know more about the budget, check out Commissioner Bridget Gainers informational document. Also, all League observer or eyewitness reports on the budget sessions are on the LWV Cook County website. And catch up with the other LWV CC committee adventures here.
Moderator Training
Today is the last day to sign up for the Saturday, November 4, moderator training for candidate forums offered by LWV IL. Send your name, local league, email address and phone number to voterservice@lvwil.org  to sign up. The training will take place at 332 S. Michigan Ave., Room 430, Chicago. Missey Wilhelm will be the trainer and she needs 10 people to make this a go. 
Sister, Sister
LWV Chicago November Newsletter - Find out what our sister League to the east is doing  here.

Chicago in Focus November Program - Come hear M. Hill Hammock, Board Chairman of the Cook County Health and Hospital System, present at the November 30 event. Read the flyer  for more information. 

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301