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In This Issue
League Calendar

Observer Reports

OP Park District 

Oak Park Bd Health

RF Park District 

June 2016
From the Editor
This will be the last newsletter for this year.  The next newsletter will be sent out August 1.  There will also be fewer "Week in Preview" emails for the next few weeks. Annual membership renewal letters have gone out this week to all members. We hope to have a 100% renewal rate. Please take time now to either send in your check via email or go online to our website  LWV OPRF , to pay using PayPal. Your League needs your membership!
Monthly Programs
Second Tuesday
The last Second Tuesday for this season will be on June 14, at the 19th Century Charitable Association, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. from 9:30-11:00 am. The topic?  Discussion ideas for next year's program. New Co-Chairs Glynne Gervais and Stephen Jordan will be introduced.  This event is free and open to the public. We thank Dale and Marilyn Fitschen and Mary Rose Lambke, retiring co-chairs, for all their hard work this year organizing this valuable and popular monthly program.

New Website
Our the course of the next few months, we will be developing a new website.  A small group consisting of Sarah Shirk, Heather Cunningham, Ann Bolan, and Peggy Kell has met once already to start organizing our thoughts about what should be included on the website.  We will be using a platform called Weebly. Two other Leagues use it now.  Check them out and see what you think: LWVCook County and LWV Lake Michigan.  There is still time to share your ideas with us. The committee's next meeting will be in July.
What do think is essential when you visit websites? What features make it easy to navigate? 
What  frustrates your searches on websites?  
What do you value on our website, LWV OPRF, that you would like to see kept?  
What do you think our website is missing?  
Please send all your feedback answers  to Peggy Kell

Oak Park Township Generosity
The Board would like to thank the Oak Park Township for the use of their 130 S. Oak Park Avenue Senior Room for all of our monthly Board meetings, October Deputy Registrar Training,   January Membership Coffee, and May Annual Meeting.  This has been a great location for us.  Large enough to accommodate our groups, with wifi and audio to make our presentations easier. Angela Hill has been our genial host, opening up the room for us and making sure we had everything we needed.  Next time you pass by their office, stop by and say, "Thanks Oak Park Township"!
Deputy Registrars
LWV OPRF is now registering voters during Block Parties.  Oak Park Village Clerk Terri Powell has included our information in the Block Party application and we are getting requests!  If you have a Saturday available this  summer and are willing to visit a block for one hour to register new voters, the Voter Service Committee needs you.  The following dates have been requested so far: June 11, June 25, and July 16.  Please contact Peggy Kell  with your interest.  Specific times and locations will be shared. 
LWV Cook County
The LWV Cook County Annual Meeting was held on May 2 and had Supreme Court Justice Ann Burke as the lunch time speaker. Read her comments about Improving the Cook County Criminal Justice System here Justice Burke Comments. And for a recap of the business meeting, click here LWVCC Business Wrap-up.

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301