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Observer Reports at

January 2017
Welcome to 2017!
As a New Year begins, we hope that our members and their families are looking forward to a healthful and hopeful year. We are starting our League year off with three programs that we ask you to invite prospective members to partake in: 
Second Tuesday, Drinks & Dialogue, and a Membership Coffee.  Read below for more details. These programs cover a variety of interesting topics and are a great way to acquaint people with how the League educates our members and the pubic about issues.
In the coming months, the Voter Service Committee will be preparing Candidate Forums for all the April 4th  Municipal Elections.  Make sure you are checking your emails and our calendar for dates and more information.
You should have received a "Save the Date" postcard for our upcoming March 11, State of the Villages Luncheon. Remember, this biennial event is how we finance our free programs for two years. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors!  Tickets will go on sale soon!
Second Tuesday
The January 10 program will have Rick Kuner discussing the updates transportation report from IDOT on the Eisenhower expansion plans. Plan to attend starting at 9:30am at the
Nineteenth Century Club, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. And if you missed the December Second Tuesday discussion by OWL representatives Nara Nayar and Nina Brewer-Davis, you can read the recap  here.
Drinks & Dialogue
This month, our Drinks & Dialogue program will be hearing from Kristin McCoy from Forest Park.  Find out about a proposal to allow video gambling in Forest Park bars and restaurants. Hear about a petition drive and concerns residents have about Madison Street if video gambling were to be permitted. The  location for Drinks & Dialogue is on the second floor of Skrine Chops House, 7230 W. Madison, Forest Park.  Join us on Tuesday, January 17, from 5:30-7:00pm.  Free and open to public.
Membership Coffee
Do you want to learn more about what our League is doing to engage our members and our communities?How about what our sister Leagues are doing? Well then mark your calendars and RSVP your attendance to the January 14 Member Coffee.  This is a great event for new, prospective, and current members to hear updates on our activities as well as a featured presentation by LWV Lake Michigan Region representatives on "How to be a Great Lakes Advocate". There will be coffee and light refreshments and parking will be available in the Township lots.  
Time: 10:00 am-Noon.  Location:  130 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park.  You need to RSVP your attendance by January 12 to  Marilyn Cantisano.
Bring a friend!
Great Decisions are coming!
Great Decisions briefing books should arrive in early January and will be available at a cost of $25. Checks made out to LWVOPRF are preferred.  If you would like to purchase your book at the January 14 Member Coffee, contact  Jean Peterman to reserve your copy.  For purchases other than at the Member coffee, contact  Carolyn DeCoursey.
Deputy Registrar Training Dates
Are you interested in becoming a Deputy Registrar? Would you like to be able to register new voters?  The Chicago Board of Elections has scheduled some Deputy Registrar training sessions in January. They are:  
Thursday, January 5 at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, January 18 at 3:00 pm, and Saturday January 28 at 9:30 am. You must contact  Jonathan Williams  at the Cook County Clerk's Office to register.  Or call him at 312-603-0987 to register. Already a Deputy Registrar? Then remember to download the  Deputy Registrar Oath,
fill it out and mail it in so you can continue your duties till 2018!
MWRD Observer Opportunities
If you have always wanted to learn more about the Cook County Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, now's your chance.  LWV Cook County is looking for observers for Thursday MWRD meetings in 2017.  Look over the list of dates and then contact  Nancy Marcus with which meetings you can attend. Learn more about how our water is treated!
News to Use
will feature a discussion on voter suppression and impediments to voting at their January 17 panel discussion.

One Earth Film Festival runs March 3-12. Connect with others and make an impact by becoming a sponsor today.

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301