LWV OPRF November 11 Week in Preview
Veterans Day  Mothers and Others for Peace will join Veterans for Peace at the "Imagine Armistice in Chicago"  today from 2:00-4:00pm at Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, 800 S. Halsted, Chicago. Join them to dialogue on stopping violence in Chicago.   See the invite here.

Second TuesdayTomorrow! Second Tuesday hosts New Moms at 9:30am at the Nineteenth Century Org., 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. 
New Moms provides family support, permanent housing, and job training for 
young moms experiencing poverty as they build strong, thriving families. Hear all about it and bring a friend!  Free and open to the public. More information  here. 

Deputy Registrars - If you are interested in helping other organizations register voters, Indivisible and Coalition for Change, needs registrars for two locations: Morton College on November 21, sign up sheet here and Eric Solorio H.S., November 21, sign up sheet here.

OPRF HS Voter Registration Update - We have set-up some "technology" beta testing dates for this week to make sure things run smoothly on voter registration day, Tuesday, November 19.  Anyone who signs up to help will be receiving an email at the end of the week for more detained instructions for the day. We are doing our best to make this a smooth and successful process! Any questions, contact Peggy Kell.

Drinks & Dialogue - "Migrant Protection Protocols", Betty Alzamora presenting, Thursday, November 21, 6:30-8:00pm, Shanahan's, Forest Park. Free and open to the public.
Sister, Sister