LWV OPRF May 31 Week in Preview
Guest Speaker After Annual Meeting Business Meeting
Last call to register for the LWV OPRF Annual Meeting, taking place this Thursday, June 3. This will be our 2nd virtual Annual Meeting and hopefully our last! As per our By-laws, the meeting packet, which includes the proposed program, budget, and slate is available here and also on our website for easy reference. Also here for your review are the proposed By-law changes. Please take the time to look this material over before
June 3. The business meeting will now start at 6:00pm, followed by our guest presenter, Illinois Speaker of the House, Chris Welch. We do need a quorum for the Annual Meeting, so please sign up here to attend. This will be our last event of this League year and we hope to see many of you there.
Equal Rights Amendment Event
At 9:30am this Thursday, June 3, Congressman Ravi Krishnamoorthi will be joined by State Rep. Michelle Mussman and Shirlanne Lemm from the GOA Regional Business Association to discuss the current legislative action affecting women, including the Equal Rights Amendment and the American Rescue Act. You can register for the meeting here.
Safely Engaging Voters
Nonprofit VOTE has scheduled a webinar on "Safely Engaging Voters in 2021" on Thursday, June 10, at 1:00pm Central Time. The morning will explore what it means to engage voters safely, so that people are represented at the polls in 2021.
Omar Parbhoo from ideas42 and Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown from Georgia ACT will be featured speakers and share their messaging, strategies, and successes in safely engaging voters in 2020. Register for the event here.
There will be a memorial service for Mary Ellen Matthies on
October 9, 2021, at DuPage Unitarian Univeralist Church, 1828 Old Naperville Road, Naperville. Mark your calendars.