LWV OPRF May 27 Week in Preview

Annual Meeting -  Tuesday, May 28 - Oak Park Township Sr. Room - Business Meeting 5:30-6:30pm - Light supper 6:30-7:00pm - Featured speaker, LWVIL President Bonnie Cox 7:00pm. Review the packet here. Review the Bylaws here.

Mothers and Others for Peace - Wednesday, May 29 - Oak Park Library, Community Room - Peace Book Discussion 7:00-9:00pm - Open to the public.

7th Congressional District Town Hall - Wednesday, May 29 - Forest Park Village Hall - 7:00pm - Congressman Danny Davis will discuss issues that concern residents - Open to the public.
Day in Our Village - Sunday, June 2 - Scoville Park - 11:00-5:00pm - Volunteers needed to staff our booth. Go here to sign up to help. This is a great way to increase our visibility in the community. 
We would like to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the family of member Sally Stovall who passed away on May 21.  Sally was instrumental with starting the Green Community Connections and the One Earth Film Festival. You can read more about her amazing accomplishments here.