LWV OPRF May 18 Week in Preview
The 96th LWV OPRF Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 26, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Our first virtual meeting means you will have to sign up to attend. We need at least 25 members to attend to reach a  quorum for the meeting. Please add your name and email address here to attend this meeting. 

The necessary documents for review at the meeting are attached. The Annual Meeting Packet includes: proposed 2020-21 budget,  slate nominations for 2020-21, committee reports, and the presentation of our Hazel Hanson winner for 2020. You can read the Bylaws changes here. These documents were sent out last week and will also be sent again next Monday in addition to being posted on our website. Please familiarize yourself with these documents so we can have a meaningful discussion on May 26. Many thanks to Judith McDevitt for organizing the Zoom virtual meeting!
Need something to watch while you stay at home? Brave New Films has two free documentaries  to catch: Immigrant Heroes and Suppressed: The Fight to Vote, both on timely topics.