LWV OPRF March 9 Week in Preview

Second Tuesday: Tomorrow, March 10 - Join our LWV OPRF Environmental Committee and local leaders for an up-to-the minute look at sustainability efforts in our Villages. 9:30-11:00am, Nineteenth Century C. A., 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. Flyer  here; free and open to the public. 

Drinks & Dialogue: Thursday, March 19 -   Sarah's Inn, a Forest Park non-profit social service organization, will present "Domestic Violence: What Is It and What Can I Do?"  Learn the facts, what the current state and federal governmental policies are, and where advocacy is particularly important. Bring a friend! Free and open to the public, Shanahan's,  7353 Madison, Forest Park, 6:30 - 8:00pm.

Census2020  is right around the corner! How can every person in the U.S. possibly be counted? As you can imagine, the plan is complex, and  remote  areas are already being counted. For most of us, the rollout begins this month, with the  initial invitations  being mailed March 12-20.  See the full schedule and read more  here

Something to keep in mind: a Complete Count in part depends on us. Inform your friends and neighbors,  post the flyers  on your neighborhood bulletin boards, and spread the word how much Census2020 matters for everybody.

One Earth Film Festival - The festival runs from March 6-15 at various locations around Chicagoland. Read more about the films here.

100th Anniversary Celebration - LWV OPRF member Marge Massarello has been a member of the Anniversary Committee for the past year, writing the monthly articles that chronicle the League's History. You can read her informative articles here by scrolling down to the bottom of the page. Thanks Marge for all your efforts in keeping us educated about our past!

The Illinois Voter Guide is now active. 
You can go here to:

find your ballot; 

learn about the candidates;

verify your registration;

find your polling location;

and, NEW this year, find bar association evaluations of candidates for judge.

Sister, Sister 
  LWV IL March Update