LWV OPRF March 22 Week in Preview
Go Vote!
Early voting starts today at the Oak Park Village Hall, 123 Madison Street. Monday-Saturday they will be open from 9:00am-5:00pm. Sundays they are open 10:00am-4:00pm. Election day is Tuesday, April 6.
Candidate Forums
All our Candidate Forums have concluded. As of March 19, the combined attendance for the five River Forest forums from those logging in live and watching on YouTube was 1,223. The numbers for the seven Oak Park forums are 1,737 so far. These are amazing numbers and they will probably increase as people view the videos before the election. We never would have had that number in person. You can go here to view the video of your choice. Share the link with friends and neighbors to help them make informed voting decisions.
April Second Tuesday
Democracy and the Three-legged Stool: Voting, Electoral Districts and Ethics  Please join the Second Tuesday committee on Tuesday, April 13 at 9:30am to hear Tyler St. Clair from Common Cause discuss voting reforms nationally as well as in in Illinois, the current status of the census data, when it might be released and the implications for congressional redistricting and finally, ethics reform/accountability in Illinois. “Common Cause Illinois sides with no one but the people as we build a democracy that works for all of us. Every aspect of our elections and representative self-government must be fair, open, accessible, and set up so we all have faith in the integrity of election outcomes and of those who serve us.” Please register  here.
Another Loss
Another former League member has passed away. Mary Daly Lewis was a long time member and former District 97 school board member and president. You can read her obituary here. Our condolences go out to her family.
Chicago Women's History Center
The Women's History Center is partnering with the Chicago Public Library to sponsor a program on Saturday, March 27, at 2:00 pm, about Chicago activist Hazel Johnson, "Mother of Environmental Justice." Cheryl Johnson will speak about her mother's life and the legacy she left behind as an environmental justice activist. Her stories will be accompanied with archival photographs and manuscripts from the People for Community Recovery Archives, an organization founded by Hazel Johnson to fight environmental racism on Chicago's heavily polluted southeast side. This Women's History Month program is co-sponsored by the Chicago Women's History Center. You can register for this virtual event here.
LWV IL March 2021
LWV Cook County March 2021