Dear Friends,
Welcome to Women’s History Month 2024. The commemoration grew out of a 1978
celebration of women’s contributions to society organized by the Sonoma, California, school district. A few years later celebrations were held across the country, and in 1980 President Jimmy Carter declared March 2-8 Women's History Week. Six years later, the National Women’s History Project successfully petitioned Congress to expand the event to the entire month of March.
Women have a proud history of fighting for human rights, beginning in 1776 when Abigail Adams chided her husband, John, to “not put unlimited power into the hands of husbands” through the 1848 Seneca Falls convention which laid the groundwork for passage of the 19th Amendment and up to the 1920 ratification giving women the right to vote. May we all be inspired by tenacious women such as Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Jane Adams, Ida B. Wells, Carrie Chapman Catt, Rosa Parks, Shirley Chisholm, Delores Huerta, Katherine Goble Johnson, Bella Abzug, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Patsy Takemoto Mink. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.
The timeliest remembrance this month may be of Margaret Sanger, who opened the first US birth control clinic in 1916. Located in Brooklyn, her clinic was deemed illegal under the “Comstock Laws” forbidding birth control, and the clinic was raided on October 26, 1916. When she had to close two additional times due to legal threats, she closed the clinic and eventually founded the American Birth Control League in 1921—the precursor to today’s Planned Parenthood. Most of the country reacted with horror when Roe was reversed in 2022 and even more so when Alabama announced its IVF ruling this month. Law scholars fear that the widespread adoption of fetal personhood laws would have far-reaching policy implications, including criminalizing people who receive abortions and banning certain kinds of contraception. The dystopian implications of these rulings continue to be felt by people of all political stripes.
A quick thank-you call to Senator Tammy Duckworth D-IL (312-886-3506) is in order after she introduced IVF-affirming legislation in the Senate this week. It was shot down by Cindy Hyde-Smith R-MS, who claimed it would legalize commercial surrogacy including for young girls without parental consent, human cloning, and designer babies. May our outrage turn into action.
Please join us on March 16 for a Member Mix and Mingle to say hello and to learn about upcoming changes to LWV and opportunities to promote democracy. The adage that democracy will not save itself has never been truer than this year. See Don't Give Up: 9 Reasons Your Voice Matters More Than Ever - Americans of Conscience. And see below for more information on our Mix and Mingle.
In other March news, March 2- 9 is Chocolate Chip Cookie week, March 12 is the Girl Scouts birthday, everyone becomes a wee bit Irish on March 17, and Daylight Savings Time begins March 10 when once again, our car clocks will be correct. Celebrate responsibly!