LWV OPRF March 11 Week in Preview

Oak Park Candidate Forum-  Tonight, Monday, March 11, Oak Park Library - 7:00-8:45pm - Oak Park Park Board and Elementary SD 97. Spread the word to friends and neighbors.

Drinks & Dialogue - Thursday, March 21 - Shanahan's - 6:30-7:45pm - Oak Park Township Youth Services presentation. 

Environment Committee - Monday, March 25 - Beverly Graham's house - 6:30pm - Continuing work on plastics elimination from restaurants in addition to participation in Earth Day on April 27. Contact Beverly if you are coming.

Legislative Visits - Members Kathy Nesburg, Carolyn Skipper, Fran Sampson, and Diane Moses visited with Sen. Don Harmon on Feburary 27. Read their report here.