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In This Issue

June 2019
Annual Meeting Wrap-up
Over 40 members attended our League's 95th Annual Meeting. The edited Bylaws were passed along with the Board of Directors slate. Congratulations to our newly elected President, Beverly Graham, Vice-President Joan Petertil, Secretary Johan Walsh and new Director Carolyn Skipper.  Also, Fran Sullivan joined our 50-year membership club. What an accomplishment for an accomplished lady!

Following a delicious meal from The Little Gem Cafe,  Bonnie Cox, outgoing LWV IL President, gave an inspirational speech about the importance of League work and the members who get it done. Executive Director Audra Wilson also attended our meeting.  LWV IL has increased staffing to better support outreach and upcoming  100th  Anniversary initiatives at our national, state, and local levels, including our social media presence. She  reminded everyone about the important work that will take place at the upcoming June 8-9 LWV IL convention in Champaign. 

The LWV OPRF Annual Meeting Packet and By-laws will stay posted on the website for the next few weeks. If you missed the meeting, you can still catch up on what was presented at the meeting. 
OPRF Museum
On June 10, 1919, Illinois was the first state to ratify the 19th Amendment, largely due to the efforts of a group of Oak Park and River Forest activist women. Visit the Oak Park River Forest Museum on Wednesday, June 5 from 7:00-8:30pm, to hear Jeanne Schultz Angel, Executive Director of the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association, and Mary Ann Porucznik, OPRF Museum and Nineteenth Century CA Board member, discuss local women who made contributions to the effort that changed America. Museum entry is $5.00 for non OPRF Museum members.
Mothers for Peace
Mothers and Others for Peace have wrapped up their month long Oak Park Library event titled "Mothers' Day: Back to Our Roots". They explored the birth story of Mothers' Day, held "make a flower, give a flower" workshops, and developed lists of library books on peace and peacemakers. Read more about their activities  here.
The Week in Preview emails will continue till the end of June. Typically during the month of July, we take a break from our weekly League correspondence. The website will still have an updated calendar posted and other relevant information for the summer. Remember that your membership expires at the end of June. Please date any membership checks for after July 1 and wait till July 1 to pay online. 

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf1924@gmail.com | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301