LWV OPRF June 8 Week in Preview

Let's Help Pass the Fair Tax! A big "Yes" vote is critical for passing the Fair Tax, perhaps the one single thing we all can work for during this critical time. Join the LWV OPRF Fair Tax Working Group and attend the kickoff meeting this Wednesday, June 10 at 7:00pm. Sign up  here  with your email address for the link to Zoom. For more information, contact  Jane Hastings
The first virtual LWV US Convention is scheduled for June 25-27. LWV OPRF
is allowed three delegates to vote on the slate, budget, program, and bylaws for 2020-22. The registration cost for voting delegates is $50. But you can also register to be an observer from Zoom to YouTube for free. You must be a current League member to be an observer. Read more about the convention here. Interested in registering to be a delegate or just an observer? Go here to sign up.
Sister, Sister 
LWV US  June 8  Update
LWV IL June Newsletter
LWV UMRR June Newsletter