LWV OPRF June 7 Week in Preview
Annual Meeting Recap
Annual Meeting Highlights ~ Last Thursday 25 members wrapped up our 97th program year by passing the 2021-22 budget, changing our Bylaws to accommodate virtual meetings when necessary, approving our program priorities for next year, and electing the 2021 slate of 12 Officers and Directors. Jane Hastings and Joan Petertil will be our incoming Co-Presidents. As of now, 23 of our members will be serving as Directors and/or Committee Chairs, all of whom are listed in our Membership Directory. If you haven't already, do consider joining a committee for 2021-22!
Click here to see Beverly's President's Address and Pauline Koch's tribute to the LWV OPRF members who passed away this year. 
Membership Renewal
Letters will be coming to all members June 19 to remind everyone to renew their League membership, either online or by mailing a check. Our League is only as viable and vital as the members who support it, both financially and with their participation. Please follow through with your renewal once you get the letter.
Summer Communications
During the summer months, our League activities slow down. Our weekly communication will reflect this slow down by taking a break during the month of July. If any important information needs to be shared, a Monday WIP will be sent out.
LWV US June 3, 2021