LWV OPRF June 24 Week in Preview
Sister League News
LWV Cook County Annual Meeting Recap - If you missed the May 13 meeting, you can read about the approved 2019-2020 slate, program, and budget here. There are also reports from Committees and Interest Groups to recap the year's activities.

LWV IL Pre-convention Workshops - Thanks to Marsha Borders for  attending and writing short summaries of some of the informative pre-convention workshops. You can read them here.

LWV US update - Leagues across the country are engaging in wonderful programs. Read up on them here.

As plans continue for the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the formation of LWV IL and ratification of the 19th Amendment, make sure you are still a proud member of the League. Membership renewal starts July 1st. Go online or mail in your check but make sure you will be part of this monumental anniversary!