LWV OPRF July 1 Week in Preview

LWV Lake Michigan Region - July 12, Summer Outing and Fundraiser, Waukegan Harbor. Go here for more information.

It's July 1st and dues are being accepted to renew your membership. Go to our website to pay online or send in your mailed renewal sheet with your check!
Festival Theatre Opportunity
The Festival Theatre is now showing "Elizabeth Rex" in Austin Gardens. League members can get half off tickets for the Thursday, July 18 performance. The play  deals extensively with the topic of gender and the different qualities we assign to men and women.  As a female ruler in a world of men, Elizabeth believes she must deny her femininity in order to effectively lead and protect England. Complimentary lawn chairs will be set up and reserved for us. Go online and buy your tickets. Use the promo code REX19 to get the 50% discount. Contact Beverly Graham for more information.
Plastics Free July
You can participate by taking the pledge to:
Bring your own bag to stores.
Say "No thank you" to single use plastic straws and utensils.
Use mesh bags for produce instead of plastic.
Stop purchasing water in plastic bottles.
Avoid buying anything in packaged in plastic containers.

And patronize the following "green" restaurants in Oak Park:
Boss Burrito
The Buzz Cafe
Happy Apple Pie
Poke' Burrito
Poor Phil's
Wild Onion Tied House
Heritage Restaurant (Forest Park)

The next Environmental Committee meeting will be on 6:30 pm, on Monday, July 22 at Beverly Graham's house.  Look for our table outside the Farmers Market.