LWV OPRF January 29 Week In Preview

LWV IL Position Update

Concerned about gun violence ? So is your League! LWV IL is updating its Gun Policy Position, and you can help. You are invited to share ideas and discuss a variety of gun violence prevention topics for this study. When working on a study, the League attempts to consider a wide range of opinions and points of view on the issue. The League has a track record of influencing legislation based on their careful study of issues and diligent lobbying for the preferred outcomes. Approved studies can rally all 41 local Leagues to support the conclusions. The next Zoom meeting is:

Thursday, February 1, 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm Register here.

These discussions will be lively and have the ultimate potential to help save lives. This work will assist our State and local Leagues, as well as individual members, to make a difference in Illinois laws affecting the safety of our communities. Contact Lois Love or Susan Poisl with any questions.

League Involvement

It’s our League's Centennial and a critical election year. There’s never been a better time to get involved in your local League chapter! It’s a great way to make a difference and work with talented and informed fellow volunteers.

We have openings for key positions:

--In joining the Nominating Committee, you can help fill key roles and get to know who’s who in the League.

--Our chapter needs a volunteer to handle publicity for our programs. You can do it on your own time – no meetings involved!

--Serving on the League Board of Directors is a great way to influence program and policy and learn how the League ticks.

--By volunteering for a League committee, you can dip your toe in the water and discover how you can make a difference.

--You can nominate yourself or someone else.

To learn more, contact Tina Birnbaum or Judith Crown, co-chairs of the Nominating Committee.

Great Decisions is Coming

Great Decisions 2024 will meet at the Maze Branch of the Oak Park Public Library, 845 Gunderson, every other Thursday from 1:00-2:30pm starting February 15, 2024. You can see the schedule of topics and dates here.

The Foreign Policy issues DVD will be shown at the beginning. Contact Alex Matthews to purchase the Great Decisions 2024 briefing book.

Prescription Drug Affordability

The Illinois legislative session is off to an exciting and eventful start. Last week there was a press conference over the filing of HB 4472, the Prescription Drug Affordability Act. Championed by Rep. Nabeela Syed and Sen. Dave Koehler, the bill would establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) to reign in the skyrocketing costs of medications. Several media outlets picked up the launch with coverage around the bill.

The costs of prescription drugs have risen to unprecedented levels, with 28% of Illinoisans reporting that they either rationed their medications or gave them up entirely due to cost. This issue is putting significant financial strain on Illinoisans, and many are being forced to choose between affording their prescriptions and other necessities like rent or groceries. 

Even if you aren’t taking prescription drugs, you are still likely to be affected by this issue. One-third of insurance premiums are directly attributed to high-cost drugs, and insurers will continue to raise premiums to compensate for rising drug costs. Prescription drugs don’t work if you can’t afford them. A PDAB will expand access to life-saving medications by guaranteeing their affordability. Learn more by visiting the new PDAB website.

February Second Tuesday

On Tuesday, February 13, our Second Tuesday series will host a Zoom presentation with speaker Tim Daly, Director, Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform, The Joyce Foundation, and Chair, Fund for a Safer Future. Mr. Daly will join us to discuss the current trends in gun violence in Illinois, how new policies and practices are faring to curb this violence, and what we can expect in the months and years ahead on this issue. Register for this Zoom presentation here. The event goes from 9:30-11:00am.

February Drinks & Dialogue

Learn about immigration. How can it be fixed? The League of Women Voters invites you to attend our Drinks & Dialogue presentation by Sara Dady, a seasoned immigration attorney of the Dady Law Group, who will share her expertise and insights on immigration reform. The presentation will be at Friendly's Tap, 6731 Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, IL., Thursday, February 15, at 6:30. Snacks, a cash bar, and engaging conversations – Free and open to the public! Live music to follow the presentation.

Clayton Harris III and Eileen O'Neill Burke, Democratic candidates for Cook County State's Attorney, will face off in a debate on February 8 on ABC TV.  Although the debate will take place at 7:00 p.m., it will not be broadcast until 10:30 p.m., after the 10:00 news.

LWV US January 25 Update

LWV IL January News You Can Use

LWV Chicago What's Up

LWV Cook County January Newsletter

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