LWV OPRF January 21 Week in Preview
Monday, January 28 
Women Empowering Women: How Wealthy Women Helped Women Get the Right to Vote
Historian/Author Joan Johnson shares the impact stories of Phoebe Hearst, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont and others. All of them, wealthy white women who over 100 years ago contributed millions of dollars to promote suffrage, provide working women access to higher education and champion reproductive rights. Essential stories to better understand the deep historical roots of the tensions that persist today.   As we approach the 100th anniversary of women's voting rights, their stories are still relevant to women, politics and money today.  Their enormous impact, as well as the problems they caused, are essential to understanding the modern woman's movement and political campaigns.
All programs are open to the public with a $15 requested donation. No reservation needed for programs.   League members enjoy FREE entry into the program on January 28.
You are also welcome to attend a three-course lunch at noon prior to the program- reservations are required at 708-386-2729. 
League members can RSVP for lunch at the member rate of $20 for January 28.
Candidate Forums
Candidate Forums are scheduled for contested races in Oak Park and River Forest in addition to the Mayoral/Commissioner race in Forest Park. The list of dates and locations is here.  A list of volunteer openings will go out to members next week. These forums are an important part of our mission. Please share these dates with family and friends.
New Year Member Update
Over 40 new, prospective, and longtime members attended the January 12 New Year Member Coffee. They heard from Kathy Nesburg, a LWVIL Issues Specialist. She spoke on the importance of our advocacy on Action Alerts that the state League sends out. These alerts are based on our positions from previous studies. Legislators take notice of our interest when we call or email them.  She also talked about the many ways to get involved with the League. 
Following Kathy's presentation, Sen. Kimberly Lightford joined us to discuss her career while working with 5 different governors during that time. She was recently named Senate Majority Leader making her the first African-American female to hold the position. She discussed her educational initiatives and how the state must start generating more revenue to pay down its debts. We thank Sen. Lightford for joining us and sharing her insights about this upcoming legislative year.
Welcome new member Jessica Voogd. We are happy you joined our League!