LWV OPRF January 15 Week in Preview | |
It's happening!!! We expect the D97 Oak Park School Board to finally vote on the Secure Firearm Storage Notification policy at their January 16 meeting and we need to SHOW UP to remind them that this community demands the school district do all that is in their power to keep guns out of the hands of kids. More than 73% of students bringing guns to schools obtain them at home or the home of a friend. The majority of the youth dying by gun suicide obtain the gun from their home. Safe Storage is a key strategy for protecting our children and community!
The meeting starts at 7:00pm at the District Office at 260 Madison, Oak Park. The agenda has not been posted yet, but if you wish to speak, please arrive before 7:00pm to ensure you can sign up for public comment. Questions? Contact Lois Thiessen Love or Sandy Jefferson.
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Both Oak Park and River Forest passed ordinances banning polystyrene foam food ware effective January 1, 2024. Smaller food establishments ($500k or less in revenue) have a longer runway and will need to be compliant by January 1, 2025. Also, restaurants should have posted a sign provided by the village informing patrons that if they want plastic utensils included in their carry out food bags, they must request them. The ordinance also includes language that ensures that any initial violations in the first four months of 2024 will result in education versus citations. Thanks to our Environment Committee for helping get this ordinance passed! | |
The Village of Oak Park is now offering collection of used textiles and small household items as part of its ongoing effort to help residents reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. The textile service is provided by Simple Recycling and is free to all Oak Park residents. Just go to the Simple Recycling website or call 866-835-5068 to schedule a pick up. Simple Recycling collects a wide range of textiles and small household items, including used or new men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, bedding, boots and shoes, belts and ties, coats and jackets, hats and gloves, pillows, towels, and table linens. Visit the Village's website here to learn more about this new program. | |
Concerned about gun violence ? So is your League! LWV IL is updating its Gun Policy Position and you can help. You are invited to share ideas and discuss a variety of gun violence prevention topics for this study. When working on a study, the League attempts to consider a wide range of opinions and points of view on the issue. The League has a track record of influencing legislation based on their careful study of issues and diligent lobbying for the preferred outcomes. Approved studies can rally all 41 local Leagues to support the conclusions.
To get started, there are two initial Zoom meetings for the following dates:
Saturday, January 20 - 10:00 am – 11:15 pm Register here
Thursday, February 1 - 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm Register here
These discussions will be lively and have the ultimate potential to help save lives. This work will result in our State and local Leagues, as well as individual members to advocate and make a difference in Illinois laws affecting the safety of our communities. Contact Lois Love or Susan Poisl with any questions.
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It’s our League's Centennial and a critical election year. There’s never been a better time to get involved in your local League chapter. It’s a great way to make a difference and work with talented and informed fellow volunteers.
We have openings for key positions:
--In joining the Nominating Committee, you help fill key roles and get to know who’s who in the League.
--Our chapter needs a volunteer to handle publicity for our programs. You can do it on your own time. – no meetings involved!
--Serving on the League Board of Directors is a great way to influence program and policy and learn how the League ticks.
--By volunteering for a League committee, you can dip your toe in the water and discover how you can make a difference.
--You can nominate yourself or someone else.
To learn more, contact Tina Birnbaum or Judith Crown, co-chairs of the Nominating Committee
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Join the League of Women Voters of Illinois for our annual look at current issues on Saturday, February 24! We'll cover a range of topics, from government corruption to gun violence prevention. Learn from legislators and nonpartisan experts—be informed and prepared so you can advocate for change in your community and state.
This is a hybrid event—join us in person for idea-sharing, networking, and camaraderie (this year we'll gather at Northern Illinois University in Naperville!), or, if you can’t make it, tune in from the comfort of home. Tickets are $10 to attend online or $20 to attend in person. Register here.
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On Tuesday, February 13, our Second Tuesday series will host a Zoom presentation with speaker Tim Daly, Director, Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform, The Joyce Foundation & Chair, Fund for a Safer Future.
Gun violence continues to impact every community in Illinois. While gun violence declined in 2023, the volume and rates of gun deaths and injuries experienced in Illinois remains higher today than before the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, policymakers at the federal, state, and local level have taken action to curb this violence, to varying success. Meanwhile, those efforts are now being debated in courts to determine their legality. Mr. Daly will join us to discuss the current trends in gun violence in Illinois, how new policies and practices are faring to curb this violence, and what we can expect in the months and years ahead on this issue. Register for this Zoom presentation here. The event goes from 9:30-11:00am.
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February Drinks & Dialogue | |
Learn about immigration. How can it be fixed? The League of Women Voters invites you to attend our Drinks & Dialogue presentation by Sara Dady, a seasoned immigration attorney of the Dady Law Group, who will share her expertise and insights on immigration reform. The presentation will be at Friendly's Tap, 6731 Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, IL., Thursday, February 15, at 6:30. Snacks, a cash bar, and engaging conversations – Free and open to the public! Live music to follow the presentation. | |
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301
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