LWV OPRF February 26 Week In Preview

In advance of the March 19 Primary Election, the new 2024 Voter Guide from WTTW News provides all the resources you need to make an informed decision when you head to the polls. Go here to access the guide. Also, the Illinois Voter Guide is now available for voting information. Go here to check your registration, see who is on the ballot, and election dates and deadlines. Our LWV OPRF website also has links to these resources in addition to Vote for Judges. Be an informed voter!

SCAM ALERT! We have recently been alerted about a voter registration scam where some Illinois residents have received a text that includes the recipients' home addresses and asks them to click a link to confirm their registration status and/or register to vote. It has been confirmed with the Illinois State Board of Elections that it does not send requests for your personal information. Please alert your friends and neighbors: Do not clink on links, return calls, or provide personal, banking, or account information to anyone who reaches out to you unexpectedly. That includes calls, texts, and emails. Instead, look up the company/agency online and follow up using verified contact information you looked up yourself.

MWRD Candidates

As the agency responsible for stormwater management and sewage treatment in Cook County, the MWRD has an outsized impact on water quality in the river system, and the commissioners’ opinions matter. The water quality in the river system has improved dramatically with investment in the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan, sewage effluent disinfection, and increasingly, the use of green infrastructure to capture rainwater where it falls. Yet, the MWRD bears the brunt of the climate crisis with heavy, unpredictable rainfall sometimes overwhelming the sewer system again, with more complications to come. While voting, it is crucial to make an informed decision regarding who should be responsible for leading the charge towards a more resilient region.

Please know that candidate responses to the Friends of the Chicago River questionnaire are for informational purposes and voter education only, and that the candidates are listed in alphabetical order. The Friends cannot endorse candidates, but like the League, seeks to educate voters on their choices. Read the questionnaire here.

LWV IL Position Update

Concerned about gun violence ? So is your League! LWV IL is updating its Gun Policy Position, and you can help. You are invited to share ideas and discuss a variety of gun violence prevention topics for this study. 

When working on a study, the League attempts to consider a wide range of opinions and points of view on the issue. The League has a track record of influencing legislation based on their careful study of issues and diligent lobbying for the preferred outcomes. Approved studies can rally all 41 local Leagues to support the conclusions.

The last of the ongoing discussions on gun violence prevention is planned for Saturday, March 2, 10:00-11:15am (register here.)

These discussions have been lively and have the ultimate potential to help save lives. This work will assist our State and local Leagues as well as individual members to make a difference in Illinois laws affecting the safety of our communities. Contact Lois Love or Susan Poisl with any questions.

March Second Tuesday

The ABCs of Book Banning is a 2024 Oscar nominated short documentary film. The film looks at the book banning efforts across the country from the perspective of school age children. The film is bookended by someone from the other end of the age spectrum. There have been roughly 6,000 books banned to

date. Please join us for a discussion at Second Tuesday on how public libraries have become battlegrounds in our nation’s culture wars. Our speaker is Stephen Jackson, Director of Equity and Anti-Racism, Oak Park Public Library. With other library team members, Stephen works to ensure that policies and practices are equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist. Please join us on March 12 from 9:30-11:00am at the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. Free and open to the public!

March Drinks & Dialogue

Be brave and learn about your end-of-life options (Compassion and Choices) at the March 21 Drinks & Dialogue evening. The presentation will be by Catherine Marienau, Ph.D., a part of the local medical aid in the dying movement. In this interactive session, we will consider the importance of planning for end-of-life and explore options for persons with terminal illnesses. The presentation will be at Friendly's Tap, 6731 Roosevelt Road, Berwyn. The evening starts at 6:30pm with snacks, a cash bar, and engaging conversations. All are welcome.

Bring a friend! Live music will follow the presentation.

Our own Mary Ann Porucznik has been named the 2024 Gentle Force Award winner by the Nineteenth Century Club. She also is an active member of the Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest as well as our League’s Secretary and Chair of our Archives Committee. In addition, she is serving on our Centennial Gala Committee!

All League members are invited to LWV IL's Observer Training on Wednesday, February 28 at 7:00pm. The League’s trained Observer Corps are a respected part of the community—they work to keep local governments accountable and community members informed. Register to attend here.

LWV IL February Member Bulletin

LWV US February 22 Update

LWV Cook County February Newsletter

LWV OPRF Mix & Mingle March 16

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