LWV OPRF February 25 Week in Preview
We hope to see everyone at our  State of the Villages Celebration this Saturday. The SOV Committee has been working very hard to make this biennial event a success.  After a buffet lunch at the Koehneke Community Center of Concordia University, we will be hearing from the top three officials from the Villages of Forest Park, Oak Park, and River Forest. There will be time to meet and greet some local municipal candidates in addition to a raffle of lovely donated items from local businesses. See you there!
Over 100 people attended our first ever Forest Park Candidate Forum for the Mayoral and Commissioner races. A great turnout! Thanks to the following members who helped that night: Cleraine Camper, Leigh Eicher, Michelle Fitz-Henry, Jane Hastings, Peggy Kell, Sarah Shirk, and Johan Walsh. You can watch the forum videos on our website Programs Page.
Our next candidate forum is this Wednesday, February 27, starting at 6:30pm at Roosevelt M.S., in River Forest. Come hear the River Forest candidates for Library Board and Village Trustee.
About 50 people filled the Maze Branch Library lower level to watch the documentary "Dark Money" about the ramifications of untraceable corporate money and its influence on elections. This documentary focused on Montana's fight to have campaign finance laws enacted and enforced in their state in light of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision. Truly an eye opening look at money in politics. Thanks to Marge Massarello and Debby Preiser for bringing this film to our members.