LWV OPRF February 24 Week in Preview

On Sunday, March 1, our League will partner with the local Jack and Jill of America Chapter for a children's program on the importance of voting.  We will start at 1:00pm in the Council Chambers of the Oak Park Village Hall.  Oak Park Township Trustee, Michelle Mbekeani-Wiley will be the keynote speaker.  This will be followed by an exercise in ranked choice voting on four topics for our participants. The topics are: Census 2020, Climate Change, Equality in Education, and Vaping/Smoking Health.  We need some volunteers to be greeters, help direct children and their parents from area to area for voting, and staff our two voting tables (Census 2020 and Climate Change). Information sheets will be going out to parents and children in advance to help prepare them for their voting experience. You can see and sign up for the four volunteer opportunities here.  We are looking forward to this event and the partnership opportunity with Jack and Jill. Contact Peggy Kell with any questions.

Second Tuesday - Tuesday, March 10, 9:30-11:00am, Nineteenth Century C.A., 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park. Save the date for this 2020 update on sustainability efforts in our villages! Our LWV OPRF Environmental Committee and village leaders will discuss how we are progressing with waste reduction, the Eco-Friendly Restaurant Campaign, and the challenges ahead. View the flyer here, and bring a friend!  Free and open to the public.
News to Use
Complete Count Update: Next week Jay Young, Executive Director of Common Cause Illinois, will be speaking at the Oak Park Library on Census2020 and what's at stake (a lot, particularly for Illiinois ). Join us for this important event the LWV OPRF has arranged for Oak Park's Complete Count Committee in partnership with the Oak Park Library. There will be a Q&A at the end for everyone's questions. Wednesday, March 4, from 7:00- 8:30pm, Main Library Veterans Room. 

LWV 100th Anniversary - The River Forest Library will have a display celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the formation of the League of Women Voters during the month of March. Check out the pictures and information on the second floor of the Library. 

And welcome to our two new members, Alicia Allen and Mohit Singh. We are happy you have joined us!