Concerned about gun violence ? So is your League! LWV IL is updating its Gun Policy Position, and you can help. You are invited to share ideas and discuss a variety of gun violence prevention topics for this study. When working on a study, the League attempts to consider a wide range of opinions and points of view on the issue. The League has a track record of influencing legislation based on their careful study of issues and diligent lobbying for the preferred outcomes. Approved studies can rally all 41 local Leagues to support the conclusions. There are two ongoing discussions planned for February. They are Saturday February 17, 10:00 - 11:15am (register here), and Wednesday February 21, 1:30-2:45 pm (register here).
These discussions will be lively and have the ultimate potential to help save lives. This work will assist our State and local Leagues, as well as individual members, to make a difference in Illinois laws affecting the safety of our communities. Contact Lois Love or Susan Poisl with any questions.