LWV OPRF February 11 Week in Preview

Oak Park Village Board Meeting - Monday, February 11 - 7:30 pm Attend and support our Environmental Committee and Environment and Energy Village Commission as they urge the Board to eliminate the use of single use plastic straws and utensils and non-compostable food containers. Read the Village Board meeting agenda here.

Second Tuesday - Tuesday, February 12 - 9:30-11:00am- Citizens at Work:
Part 1- Gun Responsibility Advocates - Nineteenth Century Club - Read the flyer here.

Candidate Forum Volunteers - There is still time to sign up to help at one of our six candidate forums held in February and March. Just click on this link and insert your name in an empty square. It's that easy!

Election Judges Needed - Interested in working as an election judge on 
April 2? The Cook County Clerk's office needs more people to work election day. Click here to read about judge responsibilities,pay, and how to apply.