LWV OPRF December 7 Week in Preview
Voter Service Committee
Our Voter Service Committee will be having a short Zoom meeting this Wednesday, December 9, at 11:00 am. Citizens interested in running for municipal office have been getting signatures on petitions for the past few months. The deadline for submitting the petitions is fast approaching. We need to start planning now for what looks like some hotly contested races in our communities. These Candidate Forums will be virtual, which may be interesting and complicated with multiple candidates. Please get back to Peggy Kell if you would like to attend. More meetings will follow in January.
Criminal Justice Reform
Illinois Criminal Justice Reform 

Learn more and be ready to vote January 2021!

The Local Leagues of the State of Illinois are participating in a Consensus Study by voting on questions regarding updated and new LWVIL positions on Criminal Justice Reform 

Presentation Part 1: If you missed the October presentation, you can view the video of the presentation here.

Presentation Part 2: - Sections 8-14 
Saturday, January 16, 1:30 pm via Zoom
Registration is required. Click here to register
 Registration link will be sent at a later date

Full Recommendations and LWVOPRF Member Consensus Meeting
Saturday, January 30, 1:30 pm via Zoom
Click here to register
Centennial Celebration of Suffrage
Interested in more information about the passage of the 19th Amendment? You can go here to read more about programs, resources, and partners in this continuing celebration.
Sister, Sister
LWV US November Recap
LWV US December 3, 2020
LWV IL RBG Exhibit at the Illinois Holocaust Museum