LWV OPRF December 16 Week in Preview
Fair Tax Vote 
You are invited to join the effort to fix the state's unfair, inadequate tax system by passing the Fair Tax constitutional amendment in November 2020.  LWVIL is working with over 300 organizations in the Responsible Budget Coalition to inform voters about this important opportunity to put our state on a better fiscal path. To pass, 60% of the voters who vote on this measure must vote Yes-- so we need your help to get the word out.  

We are forming a local coalition to train speakers, host events, give presentations, and encourage other groups to learn more about the Fair Tax. Please contact Ann Courter  to share your networking ideas and find out how you can help.

The LWVIL has been working on this issue for decades---for many reasons, a graduated income tax is far better public policy than the the single-rate flat tax that was written into our state constitution in 1970.  This past spring, the legislature finally voted to give voters the chance to eliminate the state constitution's unfair flat tax requirement through a referendum on the ballot in November 2020.  Now we need to urge voters to vote YES to take this necessary first step to fixing our state's budget crisis.  For more details on how the fair tax works, go here.
Our annual New Year Brunch will be on Saturday, January 11, 2020, from 10:00am-Noon. It will be at the Oak Park Township Senior Center, 130 S. Oak Park Ave. Join other League members for pastries, bagels, fruit and beverages. A presentation on rank choice voting will be made by Claris Olson.