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In This Issue

August 2019
President's Letter
Dear League Members,
This has been a very busy summer, and we haven't even begun our '19-'20 year!

Twenty Leaguers and guests came to Austin Gardens on July 18 for a pre-show potluck and an evening of theatre to see Jeff-nominated "Elizabeth X".  Anne Rooney, Festival Theatre Board Chair reached out to us offering discounted tickets and assistance with setting up our potluck.  Actress Belinda Bremnert, playing Kate Tardwell, visited with us before the show.  The play focused on Queen Elizabeth's struggle with ruling England as its first female monarch. (A perfect theme for the League)

Vicki Scaman, Oak Park Village Clerk, reached out to the League to involve us in planning a Town Hall in anticipation of the implementation of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act on January 1, 2020. The purpose of the scheduled Town Hall will be to educate the public about the Law and obtain feedback about the many decisions that the Village will make regarding it.   Seven League members attended the first planning meeting in July.   The next one will be on August 14 at 3:30.   In the meantime, a small committee, of which Mary Haley is a member, has been meeting to iron out the particulars of the Town Hall agenda.  It will take place on October 2, from 6:30 - 8:30, at Percy Julian Middle School.  

The Co-Chairs of Second Tuesday and Drinks and Dialogue are working to organize the Fall Kickoff on the topic of Criminal Justice Reform in Cook County to be held at the Oak Park Public Library at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September 18.  Check out the flyer

"PLASTIC FREE JULY", a cooperative effort with the Energy and Environment Commission, was introduced at A Day in Our Village and followed up with the committee's table outside the Farmers Market from June 28 to July 27. Committee members volunteered their time speaking to the public about the benefits of reducing single use plastics.  In advance of July, committee members contacted 100 local restaurants to determine which ones had made the change to compostables and to encourage those who still used plastic straws, carryout containers, and utensils to work toward making the switch. Articles about our efforts appeared in the Wednesday Journal and Oak Park Eats  We feel that our involvement was successful in raising public awareness while reducing the use of plastics in Oak Park, River Forest, and Forest Park.

So we're off and running, looking forward to an active year with the upcoming 2020 election!

Beverly Graham
Our new fiscal year started on July 1st and membership renewals are now being accepted via our website or by mail. It only takes a minute to pay online. Your continued membership is important to keeping our League strong. Not sure if you paid already? Contact Leigh Eicher for more information. And welcome our four new members: Deborah McCoy, Patricia Skinner, Amber Elmer, and Sarah Olson. We hope to see you at our upcoming events.
Weekly Communications
Starting with this August newsletter, you should be receiving a weekly LWV OPRF communication every Monday at 11:00am. The first Monday of the month will be the newsletter and the subsequent Mondays will be the Week in Preview. If any committee chairs have information on upcoming meetings or calendar items to share, please get it to Peggy Kell by Friday at 6:00pm. The communiques are put together over the weekend. If you don't receive the 11:00am emails, please first check your spam or junk folder. Sometimes your email account will not recognize our address. Please introduce them by putting our email address, lwvoprf1924@gmail.com, in your address book. If you still are not receiving them, please contact Peggy Kell.  And remember, our newsletters and all Week in Previews are posted on the newsletter page of our website.
Voter Service
The first Voter Service Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21, at 7:00 pm. We have already been asked to do voter registration at Dominican University in River Forest. Are you interested in getting high school and middle school students more involved with the issues of the day? Interested in making sure all area students are encouraged and helped to register to vote once they turn 18? Then attend this meeting to discuss plans for working on these and other ideas you may have. Contact Peggy Kell for more information.
News to Use
In upcoming emails, we will share links to LWV US, LWV Lake Michigan Region, and LWV Upper Mississippi River Region updates. We hope this keeps you informed about our sister Leagues, which every member is a part of. These links will also be posted on our website homepage. All members should be receiving updates from LWV IL already.
LWV US August 1 update
LWV LMR July update
LWV UMRR July update

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | (708) 342-0803
  lwvoprf1924@gmail.com | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301