LWV OPRF August 30 Week in Preview
Historical Marker Installation
On Thursday, August 26, our League members, as well as members of the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association and The Historical Society of Oak Park-River Forest, celebrated the installation of the National Votes for Women Trail Marker honoring Grace Wilbur Trout. If you couldn't make the event, you can view photos and speeches about Mrs. Trout, the marker, and the Pomeroy Foundation on our Facebook page. The marker is situated at the site of Mrs. Trout's home, 414 Forest Ave., and the current homeowner, Elizabeth Celio, gave permission for the marker to be installed on her property.

In the picture on the left is Rachel Berlinski, operations manager of the OPRF Historical Society, Marge Massarello representing LWV OPRF, and Mary Ann Porucznik, representing the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association. In the picture on the right, current homeowner Elizabeth Celio joins the group for the unveiling of the marker.
Fall Kick-off
Save the Date! Mark your calendars now for Thursday, September 23, 7:00– 8:30pm for our big kickoff event, SOS Democracy: The Fight for Voting Rights. Our program will open with a stirring video; followed by speakers Jay Young and Tyler St. Clair, Common Cause Illinois; and Rebecca Glenberg, ACLU Illinois; and finish with your questions. Free and open to the public, invite your friends! Virtual from the Forest Park Library, registration information pending. 
Census Data and For the People Act
Common Cause recently had a webinar on August 25, "What Does New Census Data Mean for the For the People Act?" You can watch it here. Common Cause has also put together information on re-districting timelines by state. You can check out these guidelines here.
Great Decisions Starts This Week
The first Great Decisions discussion group for this year starts this Wednesday, September 1, from 1:00-2:30pm at the River Forest Library. The topic will be "Global Supply Chains and U.S. National Security. The entire schedule of topics is on our website. This program is free and in person(so far) but remember to wear your mask!
One Earth Young Filmakers Contest
The One Earth Film Festival, the Midwest's largest environmental film festival, invites students up through age 25 to submit their short films to the Young Filmmakers Contest by January 5, 2022. Winning films will be screened at the One Earth Film Festival Contest by March, 2022. Scholarship awards, prizes, and matching grants(from $100 to $1000) for 3 to 8-minute films or 45+ second animations are awarded. Visit One Earth Film Festival Young Filmmakers Contest for details. To see past winners, visit the winners page.
LWV IL August Update
LWV US August 26 Update