LWV OPRF August 23 Week in Preview
Historical Marker Installation
On Thursday, August 26, our League members, as well as members of the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association and The Historical Society of Oak Park-River Forest, will celebrate the installation of the National Votes for Women Trail Marker honoring Grace Wilbur Trout.

Mrs. Trout was president of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association (IESA) from 1912 to 1920 and spearheaded the campaign for woman suffrage in the state. Once the Nineteenth Amendment had been enacted, IESA decided its work was finished and was succeeded by the Illinois League of Women Voters. Mrs. Trout signed the Illinois League's incorporation documents.
The marker will be situated at the site of Mrs. Trout's home, 414 Forest Ave., and the current homeowner, Elizabeth Celio, gave permission for the marker to be installed on her property. The ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, August 26. Gathering on the sidewalk outside the house will begin at 12:30pm, with the ceremony starting at 1:00pm. Masks will be required for the presentation. Afterward, all are invited back to the Nineteenth Century Club building for cookies and lemonade. RSVP your attendance to the Historical Society so enough refreshments will be available outside the Nineteenth Century building.

Thanks to the three ladies who worked together to get this marker approved and installed: Marge Massarello representing LWV OPRF, Mary Ann Porucznik representing the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association, and Rachel Berlinski, operations manager of the OPRF Historical Society. Bravo!
Non-Profit Vote Webinar
The organization Nonprofit Vote is holding a webinar titled: "Power: Engaging Voters for a More Inclusive Democracy" this Tuesday, August 24, 2:00 pm ET/1:00pm CT. Nonprofit Vote partnered with 190 organizations, mostly nonprofit service providers, food pantries, housing groups, and other community-based nonprofits, to reach more than 35,000 voters in 2020. RSVP TODAY to learn more about how nonprofits are proven to reach groups often underrepresented at the polls and boost their turnout.
Women's Equality Day
Women’s Equality Day is Thursday, August 26. LWV US president, Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, has recorded a short Women’s Equality Day speech that is available on YouTube for Leagues to view this week. The video is accessible via this link. Currently, the video is only available via this link and will not be displayed on the LWV US channel page nor searchable on YouTube until it is published on August 26. Leagues members are welcome to use the video before that publication date, but will need to use the direct link to access it. Closed captions are available on the video.