LWV OPRF April 8 Week in Preview

Second Tuesday-Tuesday, April 9, Nineteenth Century Club- 9:30-11:00am Citizens at Work, Part 2:Let Forest Park Vote.  

LWV Lobby Day - Wednesday, April 10-Travel to Springfield to talk with legislators. Contact Marge Massarello for more information.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection- Saturday, April 13-8:00am-3:00pm, Brookfield Zoo North Parking Lot. See the flyer for more information.

Welcome to new members Marion Harmon and Rebecca Ho. Thanks for joining us!
Election News
The April 2 Municipal Election has come and gone. We now have some new members for most of our elected Village boards. Kudos to all who put themselves forward to represent their communities. We hope your experience was rewarding. Ten of our members stepped forward on election day to visit the precincts in Oak Park and River Forest to gather feedback from judges about the new voting equipment. Our two communities were part of a pilot program for the new machines. Thanks to Marge Massarello, Judith McDevitt, Ann Bolan, Tara Joyce, Jane Hastings, Elan Long, Kathy Perry, Agatha Gallo, Linda Valentine, and Peggy Kell for making these visits to the precincts. The voter turnout was disappointing but it did make it easier to talk to the judges. Feedback was gathered on three questions and you can see the answers here. Thanks again to these members for continuing the good work of our League!