LWV OPRF April 6 Week in Preview
Second Tuesday 
Tuesday, May 14: Save the Date! Covid-19 is battering our state finances. Passing the Fair Tax, long supported by the Illinois League of Women Voters, is going to be a critically important part of recovery. Ann Courter, longtime LWV OPRF member and LWV IL Issues Specialist, will present "The Fair Tax: Everything You Need to Know" to prepare us to be knowledgeable advocates for this crucial change. This will be Second Tuesday's last forum for the 2019-2020 program year and will be presented on Zoom. If you're not sure about "zooming," contact  Judith McDevitt  for a practice session. Tuesday, May 14, 9:30 - 11:00am.
Census 2020
Happy belated Census Day! April 1 was the official Census Day although surveys were sent out in the preceding weeks.  So how's it going?  Well, as of April 4, the national repose was 42.8% and Illinois was 47.5%; local response rates are:
Cook County                42.6
Forest Park                  46.9
Oak Park                     51.2
River Forest                 63.6 
If you are interested in tracking response rates by state, county, city, congressional district or tribal area, use this link
If you, a friend, neighbor or family member still needs to complete the census, use/share this link and don't forget, you can still reply on-line even if you have misplaced the survey code.

Anniversary Display
Though the River Forest Library is temporarily closed due to the quarantine, we still would like to share pictures from the LWV 100th Anniversary  Display on the second floor. Thanks to Marge Massarello, Johan Walsh, Jane Hastings, and Kathy Balk for putting this together. Enjoy the photos on our website.
Dear Members,

Last week I attached a video to my letter from a physician on the front lines in treating Covid-19 patients in a New York hospital.   Although most of his information was valuable, the medical world's knowledge of this new disease is evolving. At the time it was filmed, it was believed that very young people were not susceptible to the illness.  We know now that, although still in small numbers, this population is at risk at well.  

Information that we receive changes on an ongoing basis.  Initially, we read that the wearing face masks was not needed unless we were contagious, and very recently it was recommended that everyone wear one outside, especially in stores or any environment where we would be in close proximity to others.  The "6 feet" distance between people is still recommended.  

For ongoing information, the most accurate and updated suggestions can be found on the CDC website.  

Thank you, and stay safe.

Beverly Graham
Brave New Films
Since we are sheltering at home,  you may have time to watch films posted on YouTube from Brave New Films. These are free and you can subscribe to get alerts when new films are released. Here's one film you can watch now, Iraq for Sale:The War Profiteers.   
Sister, Sister
LWV US  April Update
LWV UMRR April Newsletter