LWV OPRF June 17 Week in Preview

Today, June 17, at 11:00am - Noon, the River Forest Library is honored to be hosting a Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony at the library, brought to you by Village of River Forest Trustees in partnership with the Village of River Forest.

Several community leaders and organizations will come together to bring you this special event. All are welcome to attend! Bring a friend and tell your neighbors.

Refreshments will be provided on the library lawn after the program.

LWV OPRF Annual Meeting

This year’s 99th LWV OPRF annual meeting was held at Brookdale Senior Living. A wonderful dinner, provided by Brookdale, was shared by over 50 members. During the business meeting, our 2024-25 program, budget recommendations, bylaw changes, and board slate were all approved. We also heard from LWV IL President Becky Simon on the continuing work to eliminate the Electoral College and elect our President by popular vote. We welcomed Denise Pikes from the newly formed Proviso League. We heard Barbara Hausman talk about her mother, the late Harriet Hausman, this year's Hazel Hanson winner, and welcomed Laurie Huget as our newest 50-year Lifetime member. You can see photos of the evening by clicking here. Thanks to our President, Jane Hastings, for a wonderful evening.

Lake Michigan Nominations

The League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region Nominating Committee is now recruiting the slate of officers for 2024-2025. The Committee is tasked with slating the offices of President, Vice President, Nominating Committee Chair, and Nominating Committee members.

Candidates are eligible if they are a member of a local League that pays dues to LWV LMR. Self-nominations are welcome. Email your nominations to lwvlakemichigan@gmail.com as soon as possible or by July 15, 2024. Please include "2024-25 Nomination" in the subject line and provide your phone number and preferred email address. The LWV Lake Michigan Region 2024 Annual Meeting and Conference will take place in Michigan this fall. Stay tuned!

Fourth of July

Celebrate the Fourth of July with the LWV OPRF! Join us in marching in Oak Park's Fourth of July parade to recognize the importance of that day to our democracy and the efforts of LWV OPRF over the past 100 years, as we celebrate our centennial. Here's how you can participate:

  • March in all or part of the parade route along Ridgeland Ave., from Adams to Augusta (about 12 blocks or a little over a mile). Even if you step out from the watchers and walk for a block, that visual will make a powerful statement! Sign-up sheet for marching is here. The parade starts at Longfellow Park at 10:00am.
  • DRIVE the parade route. Do you have a classic car or know someone who does and would be willing to drive with us? If not a classic car, how about a pickup truck? We can decorate the car or truck (carefully!). Contact Mary Ann Parucznik if you have a vehicle we can use.
  • Watch and cheer as we pass!


Dr. Gina M. Masullo joins LWV IL for a virtual program to discuss research-backed approaches for navigating digital spaces--and offline spaces--with people who disagree with you politically. This talk will provide tangible takeaways for you to apply in your own life to be more open to other viewpoints without compromising your values. Join this virtual event on Wednesday, June 19, from 7:00-8:00pm, by registering here.

One Earth Film Fest

Did you miss a post-film discussion or film during the One Earth Film Fest? Never fear. One Earth has recorded everything to give you access to as much of One Earth Film Fest 2024 as possible. Many films are not streaming yet, but some are available from their websites for a fee; one is even free of charge (Razing Liberty Square). All recorded discussions are free to you. Go here to see what you missed!

Membership renewal will start on July 1. You will be getting reminders by postal mail and in future emails. We will also inform you of membership processing changes in 2025. More to come!

LWV UMRR June Newsletter

LWV IL June Newsletter

LWV US June 13 Update

LWV Cook County June Newsletter

LWV Cook County June 23 Forest Preserve Walk

Calendar of Events
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