April 2017
April Is Water Conservation Month!
This month we are reminded why it is important to protect this vital resource
Comprehensive water conservation includes policies, strategies and activities developed to sustainably manage fresh water resources, protect the water environment and meet current and future supply demand. The goals of water conservation include:
  • Ensuring availability of water for future generations where the withdrawal of freshwater from an ecosystem does not exceed its natural replacement rate.
  • Energy conservation as pumping, delivery and wastewater treatment facilities consume significant amounts of energy. In some regions of the world over 15% of total electricity consumption is devoted to water management.
  • Habitat conservation where minimizing human water use helps to preserve freshwater habitats for local wildlife and migrating waterfowl, but also water quality.
LWDD's Water Conservation Role
Comprehensive water conservation requires proper canal operations
South Florida is fortunate to receive over 50 inches of rainfall a year on average. Most of that amount is concentrated during the 6-month rainy season (May-October). While much of the runoff from these rains is discharged to the ocean to avoid flooding, a significant amount soaks into the ground and recharges the freshwater aquifers that supply our drinking water wellfields, lakes and wetlands.
In order for large populations of people to live safely in south Florida, a massive regional water management system is required that must balance the water supply needs for both urban and agriculture uses and flood control. Without adequate drainage, human health and safety would be jeopardized and extensive property damage could occur. Similarly, if regional groundwater levels were not properly maintained, wellfields would be unable to deliver water to homes and businesses and the underground inland migration of salt water from the ocean could permanently contaminate the drinking water supply rendering it unsafe for potable uses. Water conservation efforts by the District help mitigate for some of the water supply issues our region experiences.  
The District's large network of canals play a critical role in conservation by maintaining groundwater levels which in turn supports the water levels in lakes, ponds and wetlands across the region. During dry periods, groundwater levels tend to slowly fall in response to low rainfall and high evaporation. When this occurs, water managers in the region look to large regional storage areas like the Water Conservation Areas in the Everglades or to Lake Okeechobee as a source of supplemental water. Water from these sources is released into the canal network to raise the level of the water in the canals. This water in turn seeps through the sandy soils to recharge groundwater and return the water table to its normal elevation. (Read more)
Every Drop Of Water Counts  
Make conserving water a daily part of your routine
Following water conservation practices can make an impact on future water supplies. Here are 4 simple steps that homeowners can take to conserve this vital resource:
  1. When doing laundry, always wash full loads. Conventional washers built before 2011 typically use 40 gallons per load. Resource-efficient washer may use as little as 15 gallons per load. Adjust the water level in the washer to the amount needed for the load. 
  2. Install an efficient dishwasher. Technological advances in dishwashers make it possible to use less water to achieve the same goal. Dishwashers use less water than hand-washing, particularly if you limit pre-rinsing. If washing dishes by hand, fill the sink with water rather than continually running the tap.
  3. Find and fix any leaky faucets. A faucet leaking 60 drops per minute will waste 192 gallons per month. That is equal to 2,304 gallons per year. Turn off the faucet when lathering hands, shaving or brushing teeth.
  4. Check toilets to verify they are working properly. Make sure the water level is not too high, the fill valve is working properly and the flapper is not leaking. A running toilet can waste hundreds of gallons of water per day.
Conserving water by using it efficiently and avoiding waste is one way to ensure that we have adequate water supplies for the future.   It is up to all of us to use the water we have wisely and it is as simple as making small changes.   Make conserving water a daily part of your life and remember when you save water, you save energy and money! For more tips and information visit the South Florida Water Management District's water conservation website at www.savewaterfl.com
H2O Fun Fact
Phantom rain is a natural phenomenon where rain falls from the sky, but evaporates before hitting the ground. Occurring most often in hot-dry climates, phantom rain has been described as the unfulfilled hope for water that tortures all living creatures in the desert!
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May 8  

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May 17  

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May 29 

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Picture This!

Control Structure No.3 in action!

That's a Good Question

Where does the water in the District's canals come from?

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Lake Worth Drainage District
13081 S. Military Trail
Delray Beach, FL 33484
Phone: (561) 498-5363
Fax: (561) 495-9694
Email: info@lwdd.net
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