Highlights from the Board

The LSAW Board of Directors met in person at Grand Davenport in Spokane, WA on Saturday, February 18, 2023, following the Annual Conference.

  • The 2024 Conference will be held at the Tulalip Resort on February 28 – March 1.

  • Greg Brooks was honored with LSAW’s Outstanding Surveyor (previously called the Surveyor of the Year) award at the Conference.

  • Carla Meritt was granted Life membership.

  • The update to the Washington State Common Law of Surveys and Property Boundaries publication is in final review and is expected to be released before summer.

  • Mike McEvilly was appointed to the NSPS Director position, taking over for Carla Meritt.

  • Legislative Committee Chair Mike McEvilly reported that AELC is keeping an eye on several bills during this legislative session and Christine Brewer is the new AELC lobbyist. 


  • Several Chapters reported renewed energy at the chapter level post-pandemic while others say they are still struggling with participation. This is sometimes due to the timing of meetings and heavy traffic. Many Chapters have an abundance of money and are donating to scholarship funds.

  • A position will be opening up on the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors when Jim Wengler completes his term in 2024. If anyone is planning to apply and is seeking LSAW's endorsement, they should email the LSAW Executive Office.

  • The LSAW Foundation awarded $11,750 in its latest round of scholarships this past summer and raised $5,555 at the Conference.

  • Future Board of Directors Meeting Dates:

Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 10 AM – Wenatchee Valley Tech Center in Wenatchee

Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 5 PM – Zoom Video Conference 

Friday/Saturday, November 3-4, 2023 – Workshop & Board Meeting in Vancouver

  • The next issue of the Evergreen State Surveyor is scheduled for May. Editor Ben Petersen would like pictures of your surveying truck boxes if you have an interesting design to share.

  • Chris Jepson was appointed Chair of the Outreach Committee, taking over for Carla Meritt to lead the outreach efforts for LSAW. Contact Chris at chris@jepsonengineering.com if you have ideas or would like to help with Outreach.

  • LSAW is looking for a Monument Preservation Bill sponsor in order to reintroduce the bill in 2023; it will no longer be going through as an agency request by DNR. Contact Pat Beehler at pjbeehler@comcast.net if you know a legislator that would be willing to support monument preservation.

  • LSAW members are encouraged to check out Mentoring Mondays, a free weekly virtual discussion group for the profession.

  • Help build the 2022 Transformation Tool, get out and collect GPS on benchmarks. Tom Barger is coordinating this effort for Washington State. Deadline has been extended to September 30, 2023.


ACTION ITEM: Each chapter should plan to occupy the priority bench marks in their region.

Information is located at: https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GPSonBM/ 

  • Be sure to subscribe to the LSAW Calendar (google calendar) or check back often as Chapter and other events are added.
Click Here to Download Full Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting


Most of the Association’s activities are accomplished by its committees and, therefore, productive committees are vital to LSAW's success. Members are encouraged to participate in committees. Click here for a list of LSAW Committees and their current Chairs.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the LSAW Executive Office at (888) 994-2845.


Be sure to check the LSAW Calendar for a list of events, including Chapter meetings. 

Did you know that you can subscribe to the LSAW Calendar?

Click the + sign at the bottom of the calendar and you can choose to be notified every time we add (or update) and event on the LSAW calendar!

Click Here for LSAW Calendar

The LSAW Education Foundation has launched a new website!

The site features profiles of past scholarship recipients, information regarding memorial scholarships, and easy to use donation links to support the mission of the LSAW Foundation.

Click Here to Visit the LSAW Foundation Website

Fee Increase for Recording Survey Map

Effective July 1, 2023

This notice is to inform you of an amendment to WAC 332-150-030 Survey, Plat, and Map Filing and Recording Fees. The Board of Natural Resources passed a resolution on March 7, 2023, to amend this WAC to increase the surcharge fee for recording a survey map from $64 to $100.  A public notice will be sent out soon through a Rule-Making Order, or CR-103P. This planned fee increase will take place on July 1, 2023.

This fee increase is necessary to enable the Public Land Survey Office (PLSO) to continue providing its current level of service, as well as to acquire additional staffing to address the backlog of donated survey records in our possession. If you have any questions, please contact Pat Beehler at (360) 902-1181, or through email at Pat.Beehler@dnr.wa.gov.

Thank you,


David M. Icenhower, PLS, CFedS

Manager, Public Land Survey Office


801 – 88th Ave. SE Tumwater, WA 98501-7019

Office 360-902-1197

NGS Webinar Series

Join us as we highlight geodesy and coastal mapping programs, products, and research. 

Each webinar features an NGS employee delving into a topic of interest, and generally includes a moderated question and answer session. These webinars are geared toward geospatial professionals as well as educators/students of geodesy and remote sensing. 

Registration is free, webinars are streamed via GoToWebinar, and video recordings are made available for later viewing. 

Click Here to View and Register for  Upcoming Webinars

New Outreach Posters Available

Participating in career technical education (CTE) events, STEM events, and events focusing on school counselors, has proven successful. Special thanks to Trent Keenan for developing a poster that can be distributed at these events. The poster depicts the different paths to licensure and features QR codes along the path to resources such as Trig-Star, Get Kids Into Survey, Future Cities, NSPS CST, and more. If you are participating in an outreach event targeted toward counselors or CTE professionals and would like handout posters, please contact LSAW at info@LSAW.org

Job Board

New opportunities posted on the LSAW Job Board!

Click Here To Visit Job Board

Each webinar features an NGS employee delving into a topic of interest, and generally includes a moderated question and answer session. These webinars are geared toward geospatial professionals as well as educators/students of geodesy and remote sensing. 

Registration is free, webinars are streamed via GoToWebinar, and video recordings are made available for later viewing. 

Click Here to Access Recorded Webinars & Subscribe for Webinar Notifications

LSAW - New Member Benefit

FS Exam Study Course

LSAW in conjunction with the Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) is pleased to announce the availability of a new online study course. Approximately 16 hours of videos and a manual to help you prepare to take the Fundamentals of Surveying exam. 

Topics: Topics included are based on the current NCEES Fundaments of Surveying (FS) exam specifications and recommended knowledge. https://ncees.org/wp-content/uploads/FS-CBT-specs.pdf

Presenters: Dane Courville, PLS and Knud Hermansen, PLS, PE, Ph.D.
Click Here for FS Study Course Information

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