Volume 4 | November 01 2019
LSA Monthly Update
A Monthly Electronic Newsletter from the Louisiana Shooting Association, Inc.
Rally for the Second on the Second
Join us in Washington, DC on November 2 nd , 2019 at the Second Amendment Rally and make your voice be heard. The Second Amendment Rally is a grassroots event, organized and funded by grassroots activists, open to all supporters of the Constitution and lovers of liberty.

3239 Raffle Tickets Sold in 2019!
The 2019 M1 Garand Raffle in Support of Junior Shooting Was a HUGE SUCCESS! Thank you to all that purchased tickets. The winner for 2019 was Charles Pecquet of Baton Rouge.

Tickets are on sale for the 2020 Raffle, which will be held October 17, 2020.

NRA Institute for Legislative Action
The NRA Institute for Legislative Action distributes important updates and alerts on a weekly basis. Many of these are very important to gun owners in Louisiana. NRA-ILA has an online subscription form where you can subscribe