Tech Corner
This application (pronounced dee-go) is a "social bookmarking tool," and it is an excellent web tool for collecting and organizing all of your bookmarks and making them accessible online from any device. It is free to use and requires a simple sign-up at their website.
I've found that this app works especially well as an extension on your Chrome browser. If you're not yet using Google Chrome as your primary web browser, you need to go ahead and do that. Once you install Diigo as a Chrome extension, the icon will appear in the upper right of your browser window allowing you to save any website to your Diigo account very simply. Diigo allows you to save screenshots of websites, highlight and annotate text from a website, and tag your bookmarks to make them easily searchable.
Diigo works especially well for:
1.) Assembling lists of resources when writing a research paper
2.) Saving articles and websites to read later
3.) Sharing a list of resources with a single link