Wisdom from Zerka:
“Moreno declared that instead of looking at [hu]mankind as fallen beings, everyone is a potential genius, and like the Supreme Being, co-responsible for all of [hu]mankind. It is the genius we should emphasize, not the failings.”

*Zerka Toeman Moreno (1917-2014) was the wife and chief collaborator of J.L. Moreno, the originator of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.
Staying Safe
Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 public health crisis, all services continue to be offered online. Please take care and follow CDC guidelines: Practice physical distancing, wear a mask when in contact with others, and wash your hands frequently.
Dear Psychodramateers:
Welcome to the 6th issue of Behind the Scenes at Laurel Psychodrama Training Institute (BTS-LPTI). No one needs to be reminded of the many challenges we’ve faced in recent days and months. This issue of BTS-LPTI celebrates the talents and accomplishments of a few gifted members of the LPTI Community.

Check out the latest update from the Reading Club, facilitated by Thomas Northrup. And, please be sure to read about Joshua Lee, recipient of the American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama’s (ASGPP) Diversity Award, presented at the ASGPP Online Annual Conference. I am sure you will join me in applauding the rich talent of the LPTI community.
LPTI will be dark between June and September. During these months, the newly appointed LPTI Organization Team (Carley Foster, Sarah Klotz and Thomas Northrup) will help me package my extensive library of training materials. Stay tuned for more information about the training modules we are producing.
We return in the Fall with a Zoom presentation, Sunday, September 19, from 1:00-2:30: pm, EDT, The Path to Certification. During the session, I review the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry & Group Psychotherapy (ABE) guidelines for the Certified Practitioner (CP) and Trainer, Educator & Practitioner (TEP). We also discuss ways to organize the data needed for the ABE’s CP and TEP applications. And, finally, we offer tips and techniques to help plan your path for success. There is no charge for the session.
The 2021-2022 LPTI Training Cohort resumes in October 2021 and continues through June 2022. Admission is by application and screening interview. The cohort meets once per month as a closed group—the second Wednesday of each month. Theory, skills development, personal growth and professional application are core components of the training program. All levels are welcome to apply.
The schedule of Special Topics Workshops for October 2021 through June 2022 will be released over the summer. Stay tuned for some new workshops, as well as repeat presentations with new, updated content and action structures.
Many thanks for everyone who has supported LPTI, especially during the past year when our programs had to be translated to the online platform. Special appreciation to the LPTI Organizational Team and Leadership Circle (Carley Foster, Laura Greer, Will Halm, Cintra Harbold and Thomas Northrup) for commitment, support and guidance.
May we be filled with lovingkindness; may we be well!

Coming Up at LPTI
Saturday, June 26- Sunday, June 27- Directing Intensive, group member spots still open (Event Flyer)

Sunday, September 19, 12:00-2:30 pm - Special Info Session on the Psychodrama Certification Process: What You Need to Know and Do (Event Flyer).

All programs require preregistration.
Email: cathynugent@verizon.net
Phone: 410-746-7251
Updates from the LPTI Reading Club
The reading club is going strong. Anyone who has attended at least one LPTI workshop is welcome to join. We will meet twice quarterly so save the date from 4:00 to 5:00 pm on Monday, June 28th and Wednesday, July 28th. This quarter’s theme is sociodrama and sociometry. 

Please reach out to Thomas Northrup, LPTI’s reading group facilitator so he can connect you with the link and reading materials: thomasalexandernorthrup@gmail.com.

New to LPTI: Please contact Cathy to discuss your interest in the Reading Club.
Tools from LPTI: An Empty Chair Turning Point Action Structure from the "Narratives in Action" Workshop
How do we narrate our life experiences? With which lens do you view your life story? Which role best resonates with your essence – the Warrior, the Healer, the Teacher, or the Visionary? How does one construct a meaningful life narrative? These were some of the topics explored in action at the “Narratives in Action” Workshop this spring. In the workshop, participants explored a variety of action structures and perspectives for reflecting on one’s life journey.

One tool that was demonstrated was a four-chair “Turning Point” activity (adapted from an action structure Cathy learned from Donna Little, MSW, TEP). In this action structure, participants began with creating a personal timeline to highlights different lifetime events, memories, or significant moments. In action, a protagonist or client is then directed to select one event or point on the timeline that signifies a turning point. The director walks the protagonist/client through exploration of the time before the significant event, during, after, and at some point in the future. Each of these perspectives can then be enrolled by auxiliaries or concretized with items/images. Examination of the turning point from the different perspectives helps the protagonist to gain a more expansive and meaningful view of the turning point and helps to put it into the context of a broader life narrative.
Written by Laura Greer
Congratulations to Joshua Lee!
LPTI's own Joshua Lee was the 2021 recipient of the ASGPP's diversity award. This award was created to recognize an ASGPP member's outstanding contributions to environments of diversity and inclusion. Joshua referenced his important work with The Game Plan Social Forum, a community-based group using principles of sociometry, in his acceptance remarks. Congratulations to you, Joshua! 

Written by Carley Foster
Cartoon Corner: Cathy's Life During COVID...
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Laurel, MD 20707