
It's hard to believe over half the year is over! Due to high COVID cases in Florida, we will continue our current work and meeting schedule. Two of us are in the office at a time while everyone else works from home. Remote meetings with clients continue to be the safer option but we are happy to meet in person if you would prefer. We totally understand the desire for face to face as we miss seeing everyone! However, we will all need to wear masks during in-person meetings. 

Be on the lookout for a survey we are sending in the mail! Every few years we do a short client survey. We would love to have your feedback on how we are doing. 

Our Annual Shredding Event on Wednesday September 9th! Due to COVID we will not be doing our usual gathering with food and drinks. Clients are welcome to drop off their documents at the office anytime prior to the event and we will make sure their documents are shredded. If you prefer to see your documents shredded you can bring them on the 9th. The truck will be at our office from 2pm-4pm. They ask that you wear your mask when dropping off your documents.

As always we are here for you – please let us know if their is anything we can do.

Warm regards,

LPP Team
Checklist For A Prolonged Hospital Stay

The current pandemic has drastically changed the daily routine for most of us. Especially in current hotspots, it is important to have masks and access to handwashing or sanitizers available pretty much every time you step outside your door. 

As the number of those infected rise, you may have the experience of family, friends, or acquaintances coming down with serious illness, and it may hit you that you too may become ill. Are you prepared for a prolonged illness or hospital stay?

No one is truly prepared to be sick, but if you have planned in advance for the logistics of illness, you can use more of your energy for healing instead of struggling to get help. This is a checklist of what you need to do to be prepared before a prolonged illness strikes.

Use Automatic Bill Pay
Use one credit card for every bill possible and ideally nothing else, and then pay that credit card off each month in full using automatic bill pay through your checking.

Why go this route instead of checking directly? It is much easier to challenge a credit card mistake than it is to get money returned to your checking account.

Simplify Your Finances
The fewer accounts you have floating out there, the less likely mistakes will occur and money will be lost. Ideally you should have no more than one account each for your checking, savings, workplace investing, Roth, IRA, and taxable brokerage account. Have two credit cards you use – ideally one for bill pay and one for everything else.

Prepare Your Advance Directives
Our clients have all completed their estate planning documents and advanced directives, so if you are a client, you should be good here. However, have a conversation with the person who will act as your power of attorney and your health care surrogate to make sure they understand their duties and your wishes.

Understand Your Health Insurance
Most insurance companies are providing breaks for coronavirus treatment. However, with our convoluted billing system, it is possible you will face billing snafus. Know what doctors and hospitals are covered under your insurance and stick to those providers to prevent out of network billing issues.

While in the hospital, continually insist they use providers who are in network, and on all financial documents, add the line, “Use in-network providers and services only.” Document as much as possible about the services provided in case billing issues arise later.

Have a Pet Care Plan
If you have pets, create a pet care plan that outlines their feeding schedule, special needs, and veterinarian contact. If you don’t have someone willing to care for your pet, ask your vet if they can recommend someone or find a pet sitter on
Life Planning Partners, Inc.