The Story Behind the Advent Wreath
December 2, 2018
Daughter of Zion, behold your salvation comes. Behold, the Lord shall make the glory of his voice to be heard in the joy of your heart.
Introit for the Second Sunday in Advent

The words imprinted on the bronze Advent wreath in the front of the church were once well known in the worship life of every Lutheran congregation. They were spoken as a part of the opening Introit on the Second Sunday of Advent every year. Behold, the Lord shall make his voice to be heard in the joy of your heart. Unfortunately, the use of the Introit and its selective use of psalms and Old Testament writings disappeared from our liturgy with the introduction of the green hymnal in the last 1970's, but the words of the old introit continue to be raised before us.
The bronze Advent wreath which graces our sanctuary was given as a memorial for John Engen 50 years ago by his family which includes his daughters, Ruth Lee and Ellie Holmquist, who are both still members of our congregation today. Incidentally, the water ewer used at baptisms was also a gift of the Engen family in memory of their mother Frances Engen. (18 children and grandchildren of the family were baptized at Lake of the Isles.)
The old introit draws together two passages from the prophet Isaiah 30:30, And the Lord will cause his majestic voice to be heard, and Isaiah 62:11, Say to the daughter of Zion, see, your salvation comes; his reward is with you. This is good news each Advent. The promise of the season is that the promised Savior is coming, not to judge, but to give gifts of hope, peace, joy and love. These gifts are represented by the four candles which are lit one for each Sunday on the Sundays of Advent.
Come join us in worship on Sunday, December 2nd and experience the wonder and joy of the Advent season.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug
Never Too Late
It is not too late to turn in your pledge card and puzzle piece.
Join us
Saturday, December 1
for a time of camaraderie
in the Christy Room
If you or a friend are interested, please join LOTI Women's Fellowship ~ Priscilla Circle. There is no membership requirement or time commitment. Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours!
(No knitting skills required)
The First Sunday of Advent- A Musical Parody

Many of the great composers in the Baroque era were known for their musical parodies. This involved copying existing musical ideas or lyrics, or the particular style of another artist and crating something new. Although the intent was often for humor, even respected composers practiced musical parody on sacred works. J. S. Bach for example reused three of his own cantatas for his Christmas Oratorio. Today we might describe this practice as re-working or re-using one's own work, but in the Baroque period it was often viewed as humorously shocking. Our church organist Kenny Vigne, as you may have noticed, is a master of this musical genre.
For the First Sunday of Advent, on December 2nd, the LOTI Church Choir and guest instrumental ensemble will perform a musical parody composed by Dietrich Buxtehude. His cantata BuxWV 26 Rejoice, Earth and Heaven was originally written for a wedding celebration of a wealthy and powerful couple in Lubeck, Germany. The original lyrics were Dear Artist Beat the Timpani. The sacred words for a Christmas cantata survived in the handwriting of Gustav Duben in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. It is difficult to know whether Buxtehude himself or Duben made the parody. One detail, however, is clear. Buxtehude never included timpani in his sacred cantatas- except for this one- copying the colorful style of the wedding celebration. Interestingly, Bach may have parodied Buxtehude in using timpani for the opening chorus of his own Christmas Oratorio
Join us on Sunday, December 2nd, the First Sunday of Advent with a festive collage of music from Vivaldi and Buxtehude to the marching rhythms of a Salvation Army band. Even that may be a bit of a musical parody.
This is an intergenerational, family event on
December 2, 10:45 am
in the
Fellowship Hall.
Lots of projects to choose from - something for all ages!
Come and join us to help kick off the Advent season and add some new décor to your home for the season.
Working Speaker Series
Working is the theme of an ongoing speaker series in which people talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do. Many people within our congregation are engaged in fascinating work, and this series gives us an opportunity to learn more about what they do.
On Sunday, December 2, 11:00 am, in the Christy Room LOTI Treasurer Ross Bartels and TPT Vice President Melinda Hoke will address the possibilities for financial giving at Lake of the Isles. Ross will focus on the immediate possibilities and challenges of the new tax law and Melinda will speak on the Five Ps, People, Property, Plans, Planners and Philanthropy. She will also answer the questions, 1) Must I have a will, 2) how to Include charity in your plan, and 3) What to think about in making a plan.
If you are interested in sharing your Working story, please contact
Our Saviour's Housing Shelter Meals
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together!
Thanks to Kristi & Bob Brownson for serving on
November 2.
Members scheduled for 2018...
7 |
The Moe Family |
Sign up now for 2019 Events!
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
5 |
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6 |
Recipes are provided.
Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour's Shelter continuing needs. For those who are Thrivent members, but are not able to make the meal, please consider applying for this grant in advance (4-6 weeks lead time) for other volunteers' use to serve.
If you have not served the meal, feel the cost is more than you can comfortably contribute, or would like to work with others, contact Cheri Moe or Linda Nelson. You will be connected with others for a shared, enjoyable experience.
Festival Service of Lessons and Carols
2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Festival Service of Lessons and Carols. It is not surprising that this service coincides with the 100thanniversary of the end of World War I, "the war to end all wars." The author of the traditional English service, Eric Milner-White, the Dean of King's College, Cambridge, served as a chaplain in the British Army in the trenches of World War I. Having experienced the horrors of war, he wanted to comfort his fellow soldiers with a simple retelling of the prophecies of the Old Testament and the promise and hope of the Christmas gospel.
Harpist Andrea Stern, along with trumpeter Jonathan Brandt and the LOTI Church Choir will lead the congregation in a Festival Service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 9th. This year's worship service will feature carols and melodies from parts of the former British Empire including A Carol from an Irish Cabin, Suo Gan ~ A Welsh Lullaby, and a newly composed arrangement of a French Canadian carol by LOTI organist Kenneth Vigne, Twas in the Moon of Wintertime.
The worship service will be followed by the annual Christmas Tea and Cookie Sale.
Visit of Saint Nicholas

St. Nicholas, the bishop of Myra in modern day Turkey, was an early priest in the Christian Church, he died around 342 AD. Legends that surround Nicholas tell of his love for God and neighbor, especially the poor. He became known as the symbol of anonymous gift giving.
St. Nicholas Day is traditionally celebrated on December 6th, so polish your shoes, or you may only receive coal this year, when he visits on LOTI
December 9.
Women's Bible Study
Our Autumn 2018 Session begins soon. We'll read and discuss bible lessons from
Sip, Savor, and Drink Deeply: Receive God's Overflowing Gifts
, from best-selling author Deb Burma,
(author of
Living a Chocolate Life
is a celebration of the camaraderie, companionship, and comfort found in getting coffee with a friend. It's about more than just the warm beverage-it's about spending quality time together.
This month's session is December 13 at 7:00pm in LOTI Library.
Children's Ministry
Winter gear drive
Thank you for your amazing response to the winter coat/gear drive! 153 donations were brought to PPL a few weeks before Thanksgiving, in time for the cold weather. Thank you for helping take care of others in our community in need of help!
The St. Martin's Dinner raised an additional $450 for PPL.
College Care Packages
Packages were mailed just after Thanksgiving to our college age members. The packages were filled with a variety of snacks and few silly things to help relieve stress leading up to finals. A letter from Pastor Haug, Diane LaMere plus cards from the Sunday School children were included in the packages with positive messages of encouragement. Thank you to the Sunday School families for their generous donations for the care packages.
December Key Dates
December 2
10:45 am
Family Advent Festival
December 15
10:00 - 11:00 am
Christmas Program Rehearsal |
December 16
9:30 am
Christmas Program During Worhship
December 23 & 30
No Sunday School |
Spark Family Magazine
The latest edition of the Spark Family magazine has arrived. Please feel free to take home an issue! They are available at both entrances to the Sanctuary. This is a great resource for families with toddlers up to 4thgrade to keep in the car, carry along with you as you run errands, or a great conversation starter during dinner. It is filled with quick and easy ways to fit faith into everyday life. Because it's not dated you can choose to do the chapters sequentially or skip around.
Growlers & Theology 
Following the model of Luther in his home in Wittenberg, Germany, Pastor Haug leads the informal study of theology and "adult beverages," twice monthly at the Parsonage. This month's gathering is a
German Christmas Open House at 7:30pm, December 13.
Join us for
Julbord - Christmas Smörgåsbord
Saturday December 15, 5:00pm
Sunday, December 16th,
12 noon
Glögg (warm spiced wine) or Hot Apple Cider and Ginger Cookies
Tomtens Favoritsill - Santa's Favorite Herring
OP Andersson Herring
Creamy Dijon and Herb Herring
Sillsallad - Herring and Beet Salad
Ägg Skagen - Eggs filled with Creamy Seafood Salad
Three kinds of Swedish Cheese
Boiled Fingerling Potatoes
Citrus Marinated Salmon served with Sweet Dill Mustard Sauce
Jul Lax - Saffron and Rosemary Baked Salmon
Julskinka - Swedish Christmas Ham
Apple Sauce and Mustard
Cold Roast Beef
Homemade Beet and Apple Salad
Pickled Cucumbers
Blue Cheese & Brie and a Variety of Crackers and Olives
Glögg Marinated Cheddar
Jansson's Temptation
Dopp i Grytan - "Dip in the Pot" - and Home Baked Vört Limpa
Meatballs and Lingonberries
Prinskorv - Swedish Wieners
Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage
Swedish Potato Sausages and Mustard
Dessert Table
Saffron and White Chocolate Tart served with Whipped Cream
Ris á la Malta - Creamy Rice Pudding - served with Sweet Fruit Sauce
Ginger Cookies and a variety of Swedish Cookies
Fresh Fruit Platter
A variety of Swedish Candy
Bite Size Flourless "Brownies" topped with Whipped Cream
$ 32.00/person, all inclusive.
children ages 5-12 years
Free of charge, children under 5
The monthly smörgåsbord
an opportunity
for LOTI friends and neighbors to gather for fellowship,
enjoy genuine Scandinavian hospitality,
and support the benevolence work of our congregation.
Proceeds are directed towards those less fortunate in our immediate community.
Through the proceeds of the monthly smorgasbord, LOTI supports
Joyce Community Food Shelf,
Our Saviour's Housing, & Community Emergency Services.
Children's Program & Santa Lucia
St. Lucia was a young Christian of Sicily who was martyred in 304 AD during the persecution under Emperor Diocletian. According to tradition, she had decided to devote her life to God and to give her possessions to the poor. In Sweden in the late 1700's, there were legends of a woman appearing in times of great famine distributing food to the starving. Perhaps because the name "Lucia" means "light," and since her feast day fall on December, the week that marks the darkest days of the year, these stories were in turn attributed to the goodness and generosity of St. Lucia.
St. Lucia will make her lighted appearance as a part of the Sunday School Children's program at Lake of the Isles during worship on
Sunday, December 16th.
The Sunday School will present a retelling of the story of Jesus's birth from the book of Luke. The program will include readings, singing and bell ringing - and of course, they will wear costumes which makes for some memorable parent and grandparent photo opportunities.
Christmas Eve at LOTI
We will offer two worship services at Lake of the Isles on
Christmas Eve, December 24th, both with Holy Communion.
Family Service at 4:30 pm will be designed for families with younger children. The service will feature a "living nativity scene" at the manger.
10:00 pm Candle Light Service of Holy Communion will celebrate the mystery of the
Word made Flesh. The LOTI Church Choir, together with guest musicians will lead the congregation in a retelling of the Christmas story, holy communion and the candle lit singing of
Silent Night.
New Year's Eve Worship

The final worship service of the year will be held on
Sunday, December 30th, at 9:30 am.
It will be an occasion to reflect on the old and look to the possibility of God's grace in the new year.
Women's Book Club
Please join us
Friday, January 11
Home of Deb Gilroy
2201 Oliver Avenue South
(763) 442-0358
We will discuss Pilgrim's Progess by John Bunyan. This story of man's progress through life in search of salvation is set against realistic backdrops of town and country, the powerful drama of the pilgrim's trials and temptations follows him in his harrowing journey to the Celestial City.
LOTI Choir
Weekly rehearsals are Wednesdays, at 7:15 New singers are welcome! Join us!
As our beloved director tells us...
"You don't have to have a great voice,
to make great music."
Prayer Ministry
The prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them on Tuesday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m. Please contact Janna Haug, Deb Gilroy or Linda Nelson for more information if you are interested.
Wednesday Morning
Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday morning for Bible Study at 10:00. The informal study will explore the Epistles of St. Paul. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning.
  In April 2019, Pastor Haug will lead a European tour to the places where the Haug family served as ELCA missionaries. The 13 day tour entitled Springtime in the Baltics will include visits to Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. For more information contact Pastor Haug
  Sunset behind Lutheran Church chimney, frozen Lake of the Isles, Minneapolis, Minnesota, was a popular auction item at the Cut A Rug Gala. To view more of Rob Lingelbach's photos visit altruistics or
December Birthdays
Katherine Mechels Anne Long Steve Hoyt Carol Kuehn Emily Melbye Greg Sarles Martin Carlson Tommy Nesheim Lars Olson Guthrie Wilder Frahm Mary Flynn Lauren Huffman Jorgen Olson John Zachman Pauline Haug Chris Hovda Allyson Sprain Shirley Carlson
Happy Birthday!
December 2 |
Carolyn and Dave Hagford |
December 9 |
Christmas Tea |
December 16 |
Ross Bartels and Brenda Weigel |
December 23 |
Linda Nelson and Mark Duff |
December 24 |
TBD 4:30pm TBD 10:00pm |
December 30 |
Kate and Eric Mechels
Altar Servers
December 2 |
Pauline Haug |
December 9 |
Carol Kuehn and Rebecca Morell |
December 16 |
Phyllis Dahl and Carolyn hagford |
December 23 |
Kathy Hering, David and Mary Goplen |
December 24 |
TBD, 4:30 pm TBD, 10:00pm |
December 30 |
Ellie Holmquist, Ruth Lee and Eivor Lund
Worship Assistants
December 2 |
Mary Sabatke |
December 9 |
Steve Hoyt |
December 16 |
Marty Carlson |
December 23 |
Kathy Hering |
December 24 |
Mark Waldeland, 4:30pm Michelle McCreery, 10:00pm |
December 30 |
Mary Sabatke or Marty Carlson |
Coffee Hour Hosts
December 2 |
Carolyn and Dave Hagford |
December 9 |
Christmas Tea |
December 16 |
Andrea & Casey Christy Smorgasbord Sunday |
December 23 |
Don Holzschuh
December 30 |
Justin & Stephanie Kappel
Upcoming Events
December 1 - 9:30am Priscilla Circle Christy Room
December 2 - 9:30am Advent I Sanctuary
December 2 - 11:00am Working Speaker Series Christy Room
December 2 - 11:45 Family Advent Festival Fellowship Hall
December 7 Our Saviour's Shelter Meal LOTI & Our Saviour's
December 9 - 9:30am Advent II Lessons & Carols Sanctuary
December 9 - 9:30am Christmas Tea & Cookie Sale Fellowship Hall
December 15 - 10:00-11:00am Children's Pageant Rehearsal Sanctuary
December 15 - 5:30pm Julbord Dinner Fellowship Hall
December 16 9:30am Advent III Children's Pageant
Santa Lucia
December 23 - 9:30am
Advent IV
December 24 - 4:30pm
Christmas Eve Family Service Sanctuary
December 24 -10:00pm
Candlelight Service
January 4 Our Saviour's Shelter Meal LOTI & Our Saviour's
January 11 - 5:00 pm Women's Book Club Home of Deb Gilroy |
Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world
Worship Service: 9:30 am
Coffee Hour: 10:40 am
Children are always welcome in worship. However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child. If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help yo
Staff Members
Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor Kenneth Q. Vigne - Organist Dawn Allan - Choir Director Diane LaMere -
Children's Ministry
Dane Peterson - Facilities
Sheridan Swee
Nursery Attendant
(612) 377-5095
Council Members |
Martin Carlson - President Ross Formell - Vice President Ross Bartels - Tresurer Jon Sprain - Secretary Kathy Hering
Maddie Rondesvedt - Youth
We welcome your input to the our newsletter. Contact us if
you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.