The Story of the Early Church The Acts of the Holy Spirit Through Paul
Paul said, "King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe." Agrippa said to Paul, "Are you so quickly persuading me to become a Christian?" Paul replied, "Whether quickly or not, I pray to God that not only you but also all who are listening to me today might become such as I am-except for the chains." Acts 26: 29 NRSV
Dear Friends in Christ,
Throughout the summer we have meditated on the characters and events that served as the foundation of the Church which are recorded in the Book of Acts. The Church began simply as a movement in Jerusalem called the Way. It was what we might call today a denomination within Judaism where Jews and followers of the Way gathered together for prayers in the Temple. Not so surprisingly, the members of the Way observed the Jewish practices of the Hebrew covenant including the Kosher laws for the kitchen, honoring the Sabbath day, and observing the practice of circumcision. As the story of Jesus' resurrection from the dead began to spread beyond Judea, Jewish communities living along the Mediterranean Sea began to hear the story of Jesus' death and resurrection as well. And there within their synagogues, Gentile "God-fearers" who were drawn to Judaism's principle of monotheism, heard of another new teaching. The promise of salvation was offered to all people-regardless of race- not through the adherence to Jewish law, which they could never fully embrace- but that salvation came as a gift through belief in Jesus the Christ. This attracted Gentile believers in great numbers. That was both the wonder and the tension for the followers of the Way.
No apostle spoke more strongly, and was more fervent in his preaching than Paul. While the first half of the Book of Acts was dedicated to the works of Barnabas, James, John, Stephen and Peter, and the unnamed leaders of Antioch, the second half of the book is completely dedicated to the work of the Holy Spirit through Paul. He was pursued, persecuted, challenged and imprisoned especially as the tension between warring factions of Judaism fought. As the Church moved physically further and further from Judaism's Hebrew roots and became more and more Greek and Gentile, the Church and Synagogue would eventually find even greater tension and would go their separate ways. The scene between the Jewish King Agrippa and the apostle Paul highlights this tension. Disparagingly, King Agrippa asserts that Paul is trying to make him into one of the foolish Christians who have taken over the church in Antioch.
There is one more month of stories to hear, as we turn to Paul's three missionary journeys. Don't worry if you missed a Sunday or two. They are always available on the LOTI website.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug
Our Saviour's Housing Shelter Meals
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together!
Thanks to Regan Gusamn, Lauren Huffman, & Ben Guengerich for serving on
July 6.
Members currently scheduled for 2018...
Magnus, Anna-Lena & Alexander Skold |
Susan & Eric Melbye |
Linda Nelson, Mary Flynn, & Family |
Kristi & Bob Brown |
The Moe Family |
To sign up for 2019 events, contact Cheri Moe at (952) 431-5226 or moeclana@aol.com.
Recipes are provided.
Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour's Shelter continuing needs. For those who are Thrivent members, but are not able to make the meal, please consider applying for this grant in advance (4-6 weeks lead time) for other volunteers' use to serve.
Join us Saturday, August 4, at 9:30am for a time of camaraderie at the home of Eivor Lund 12201 Minnetonka Blvd. #116 Minnetonka, MN 55305 763-550-1638
Applewood Pointe is located on Minnetonka Blvd between Hopkins Crossroad (County Rd 73) &
Shady Oak Road.
If you or a friend are interested, please join LOTI Women's Fellowship ~ Priscilla Circle. There is no membership requirement or time commitment. Just come to enjoy the fellowship, for a few minutes, or a couple of hours!
(No knitting skills required)
Paint-A-Thon 2018 As part of our outreach program, LOTI is once again sponsoring a house for the annual Paint-A-Thon charity event. This is a great tradition where we paint the house of a deserving senior citizen and help keep them in their home. We will need volunteers willing to help with prepping and/or painting a house, most likely located in the city of Minneapolis.The main painting day is scheduled for August 11th. August 12th is the alternate day in case of rain. The prior week we will be doing prep work if that works better for your schedule. To signup, contact: Lars Olson 612-212-0346 larsols1@gmail.com For more information vist metropaintathon.org
Children's Ministry
Sunday School Registration is open!
It's time to register for Sunday School! We are looking forward to starting Sunday School on
Rally Sunday, September 9. We ask that all families register their children for Sunday School.
Click here
to get to the online form on our website. Paper copies are also available at both entrances to the Sanctuary.
Sunday School is offered for children who are age 3 by September 1 through those entering 6th grade.
Sunday School Teacher Training for new teachers for the coming program yea
will be held on Wednesday,
September 5 at 6:30pm
. Previous teachers are welcome, but not required to attend.
Camp Amnicon
Summer Opportunities for High School Students
Camp Amnicon is an ELCA high adventure camp that serves high school students with hiking, white water canoeing, flat water canoeing, and Voyageur canoeing trips. They are normally only for established groups, but this summer they are offering two trips that individuals can sign up for.
For over 50 years Camp Amnicon has been safely guiding groups in the wilderness. There are two guides trained in wilderness first aid, lifeguarding and CPR Trained in wilderness skills with each group. An Amnicon experience is challenging and transforming.
August 12 - 17 is Voyageur Canoeing on Lake Superior. This is Camp Amnicon's signature trip that explores the Apostle Islands, sea caves, light houses, and shipwrecks in a 34-foot canoe.
Hannah & Brad Damon, associate directors
Working Speaker Series Working is the theme of an ongoing speaker series in which people talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do. Many people within our congregation are engaged in fascinating work, and this series gives us an opportunity to learn more about what they do.
The next session will be Sunday, August 19th and will focus on the experience of living and working abroad. The featured speaker is Chanda Olson. Chanda's first expat role was in the 1990's in Bali, Indonesia where she ran operations for Lois Hill Accessories, a small sterling silver jewelry designer. In 2013, she moved with her family to Bangalore, India where she led Organizational Effectiveness and Business Strategy teams for Target for two and a half years. She now leads a Human Capital team at Optum and work closely with teams across the globe.
Chanda's talk will take place after a brief coffee break following the Sunday morning service. Those who are interested will be invited to take their coffee/tea into the Christy Room for about 45 minutes. The first 15-20 minutes will be an informal talk by Chanda, leaving the remaining time for questions from those in attendance. If you are interested in sharing your Working story, please contact jannahaug@yahoo.com
LOTI Choir Weekly rehearsals resume on Wednesday, August 29th at 7:30. Choir will sing on Rally Sunday, September 9th. New singers are welcome! Join us!
Fall Confirmation Schedule
Confirmation education for 7th & 8th graders, as well as 9th graders preparing for the
Rite of Confirmation on
Sunday, October 28th
will resume on
Wednesday, September 5, 7:00 - 8:00pm
in the Christy Room.
New confirmands can register with Pastor Haug.
Women's Book Club
The next meeting of our group will be held in September. Location and time to be announced.
Beverages and snacks will be served. Bring something to share, if you wish. We will discuss Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray, and Still Loving My Neighbor, by Jana Riess
Prayer Ministry
The prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them on Tuesday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m. Please contact Janna Haug, Deb Gilroy or Linda Nelson for more information if you are interested.
Wednesday Morning
Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday morning for Bible Study at 10:00. The informal study will explore the Book of Acts. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning.
Kenneth Vigne Music Kenny has created a page with some recordings of pieces we have heard at LOTI. Enjoy! Kenneth Vigne Music
August Birthdays
Eric Amann
Alexis Jacoby
Suzanne Pepin
Phoenix Millar Bruzek
Jenny Cook
Denise Wilkens
Ross Bartels
Benjamin Formell
Mary Abbe Hintz
Diane LaMere
Beth Morrison
Henrik Olson
Happy Birthday!
August 5 |
Linda Nelson and Anita Duder
August 12 |
Carol Kuehn and Rebecca Morell
August 19 |
Mark Duff and Bruce Sabatke
August 26 |
Dave and Carolyn Hagford
Altar Servers
August 5 |
Carolyn Hagford and Linda Nelson
August 12 |
Carol Kuehn and Vicki Kuehn-Larson
August 19
Phyllis Dahl and Pauline Haug
August 26 |
Kathy Hering, Mary and David Goplen |
Worship Assistants
August 5 |
Marty Carlson
August 12 |
Kathy Hering
August 19 |
Mark Waldeland
August 26 |
Michelle McCreery |
Coffee Hour Hosts
August 5 |
Henry and Carol Arent
August 12 |
Linda Nelson
August 19 |
Carolyn and Dave Hagford
August 26 |
Justin and Stephanie Kappel |
Upcoming Events
August 3 - 6:00pm Shelter Meal LOTI & Our Saviour's Shelter
August 4 - 9:30am Priscilla Circle Home of Eivor Lund
Augut 11 - 8:00am Paint-a-Thon 2018 Location TBA
August 12 - 17 Voyageur Canoeing Camp Amnicon
August 19 - 11:00am Working Speaker Series Christy Room
August 29 - 7:30pm Choir Rehearsals Resume Fellowship Hall
September 5 - 7:00 - 8:00pm Confirmation Education Christy Room
September TBA Women's Book Club Location TBA |
Inspired by Christ, living and growing in faith, Lake of the Isles is a loving and open community of worship, witness, and service in God's world
Worship Service: 9:30 am
Coffee Hour: 10:40 am
Children are always welcome in worship. However, if the need arises, the Christy Room is staffed with a Nursery Attendant for your child. If you need assistance, please ask one of the ushers to help yo
Staff Members
Rev. Dr. Arden D. Haug - Pastor Kenneth Q. Vigne - Organist Dawn Allan - Choir Director Diane LaMere -
Children's Ministry
Dane Peterson - Facilities
Sheridan Swee
Nursery Attendant
(612) 377-5095
Council Members |
Martin Carlson - President Ross Formell - Vice President Ross Bartels - Tresurer Jon Sprain - Secretary Kathy Hering
Maddie Rondesvedt - Youth
We welcome your input to the our newsletter. Contact us if
you would like to submit events, schedules or other information to share with the LOTI congregation.