news flash
 June 2, 2017
 REMINDER - LOBA Consultation Meeting Concerning Proposed
Fairview Island Development
The LOBA Planning Committee invites interested and concerned LOBA members to meet privately on Saturday June 3 (tomorrow) at 2:15pm to hear your comments and concerns about the proposed Fairview Island development, and related official plan and zoning amendments. Your input is important to inform LOBA's position on this matter.
On the same day, LOBA members can attend a public information meeting hosted by the proposed purchaser/developer from 12:00pm to 2:00pm.
Both meetings will be held at the Active Living Centre in Huntsville in the Multipurpose Room on the 2nd floor. 
Shoreline Naturalization Grants from LOBA

The Lake of Bays Association is offering grants of $1,000 each to current LOBA members who wish to establish or enhance their shoreline with indigenous plants. Two shoreline planting projects on Lake of Bays will be funded this year. With a minimum contribution from the property owner, LOBA together with the Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) will design and help you plant your shoreline.
How does it work?
LOBA will provide all the technical and physical assistance required, including ordering the plants, supplying equipment, and helping you plant your shoreline. Each $1,000 grant will cover $75 for the permit, and approximately $425 for plants and $500 for labour. The site plan will be provided free of charge by the MWC. 
The property owner will contribute a minimum of $425 towards plants over and above those covered by the LOBA Grant.
Who is eligible and how do I apply?
Any waterfront property owner on Lake of Bays who is a current member of LOBA is eligible to apply.  Email LOBA at before Friday June 16 with your name, your cottage address and a brief description of the naturalization project you would like to see on your property.
What then?
A site visit to your property will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. During the site visit, program staff will take measurements and photographs, and discuss with you how your land use needs can be merged with the concepts of shoreline naturalization. This information will be used to develop a shoreline planting plan for your property. Please note that site visits are completely non-regulatory in nature.
Once a plan is approved by you, planting will be scheduled for Fall 2017. 
Photographs will be taken before, during and after the planting. These photographs may be used by LOBA for educational purposes, on our website and social media sites, and in our newsletters and yearbook.

Click  here for more information.
painting by: Brenda Turnour   
Upcoming Community Events
Strawberry Luncheon    Saturday June 3, 11:30am at Pioneer Memorial United Church
Community BBQ              Saturday June 10, 10:00am at the Dorset docks       
Mural Unveiling               Saturday June 17, 10:00am at the Dwight Public Library
Surf 'n Turf                       Saturday June 24, 5:30pm at the Baysville Community Centre

Ongoing Community Fundraisers
Tickets on sale at the Baysville Library.
All proceeds go to the Friends of the Baysville Library.
The Lions Club of Dwight is raising funds towards the construction of a public washroom/change room on Dwight Bay Rd near Dwight Beach.  Donations should be made payable to the Township of Lake of Bays and mailed to, or dropped off at, the Township offices.
Exciting extension planned! Includes a fire resistant archival room, secure storage, professional work area. Donations Welcome! 

The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, maintain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

Lake of Bays Association

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