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Greetings LLCEDC Members & Community Leaders,

As a reminder, on April 28th, 2022, we will be having our strategic planning session and LLCEDC Board of Director's meeting.

The strategic planning session will be from 10:00am to 2:00pm. We will be working with our partners at Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) to establish goals and strategies with a unique and dynamic approach to enhance the Board's effectiveness and the LLCEDC's impact on our economy. This strategic planning session is for LLCEDC Board Members only.

The LLCEDC Board of Director's meeting will be immediately following the strategic planning session from 2:00pm to 3:00pm (approx.). ALL LLCEDC MEMBERS WELCOME!

LLCEDC Strategic Planning Session

(LLCEDC Board of Directors Only)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

10:00am - 2:00pm (lunch provided)

LLCEDC Office 400 Harrison Avenue

LLCEDC Board of Director's Meeting

(Open to all LLCEDC Members Only)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

2:00pm - 3:00pm

LLCEDC Office 400 Harrison Avenue

To RSVP, please email us at or call the office 719-293-2316


The Leadville Lake County Economic Development Corporation is the leading catalyst for business success by helping to retain and expand the economic base in Leadville and Lake County.

On behalf of all of us here at the LLCEDC, thank you for your continued support of our organization - and please always reach out if we can help! See important updates below.



LLCEDC is committed to the development of all of Leadville/Lake County diverse and sustainable economy for all of Lake County. More about us » and Follow us on Facebook »


Climax Website
Better City Website

We are excited to announce that we have been selected to participate in a pilot project with our partners at Climax with the help of Better City, with the purpose of anticipating and preparing for potential threats on our community. Through scenario planning, our goal is to develop a list of actions and projects for our purpose. Such threats that will be considered include: storms, drought, civil unrest, and pandemics. Read more on our plans of action and our scope of work we will be covering by clicking the link below.

Click here for more info

We will be reaching out to some of you to participate with project interviews - stay tuned for more details and outcomes!


At the Leadville Lake County EDC, we feel it is important to emphasize the necessity of our partners that help sustain and encourage economic development. The Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) is dedicated to economic vitality and quality living for the community. As a non-profit organization, the EDCC assists and represents both the public and private sectors of Colorado, and their mission is "to position the EDCC as the premier statewide organization for strengthening Colorado’s economy."


"Our History:

Established in 1976, the Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) promotes effective, responsible economic development practices across Colorado. Today we are the state’s premier economic development resource, representing the economic development interests of both the private and public sectors throughout the state. We connect our communities, our members and our partners to high-quality educational opportunities and trusted resources, and advocate for sound policies and programs that support a vibrant economy and enhance quality of life for all Coloradans.


EDCC members come from a variety of settings. We are rural and urban, public and private-sector, for profit and not-for-profit, and include individual communities, counties and regional organizations, local and state government, chambers of commerce, universities, and private industry. We are economic development professionals, community volunteers, and business and political leaders." Read more HERE

EDCC Website


"Day 58


As we mark the half way point in the 2022 legislative session, the legislature has been off to a slower than usual start. So far, the legislature has introduced 465 bills, and we are still waiting for some high profile bills to be introduced from the majority party on collective bargaining for government employees, spending federal stimulus dollars, investing in affordable/attainable housing, and funding the unemployment insurance trust fund. There are a few themes emerging at the Capitol as it relates to legislation introduced to date - law enforcement/criminal justice reform, air quality and greenhouse gas reductions, mandates, and tax incentives. We have had two recent appointments – the first was the appointment of Rep Mandy Lindsay (D-Aurora) in the House and Sen Nick Hinrichsen (D-Pueblo) in the Senate due to the resignation of legislators taking positions with the Biden administration."

Click HERE to read the full Legislative Update.

For more information, please visit the EDCC's website for their Public Policy and Legislative Platform.

Public Policy
Legislative Platform


This month, we want to recognize one of our first members, and founders, of the LLCEDC.

Community Banks of Colorado has been an LLCEDC donor member since 2014, and has helped monumentally in the cultivation of our organization. We interviewed Community Bank's president, Keith Moffett, who is also a long standing member of the LLCEDC (and founding board member), about how the LLCEDC impacts his business.

What does the LLCEDC do for your business?

"They assist other businesses that allows them to prosper and that brings in more business to the bank. Businesses in the community see the bank being involved and that recognition potentially drives more business our way."

Why is an LLCEDC membership important?

"It allows the bank to have a voice & vote in discussing important issues and resolutions to what transpires in the community from an ED perspective. It better allows the bank to be cognizant/aware of what issues businesses are facing."

Community Banks of Colorado

Community Banks logo.png

400 Harrison Avenue

Leadville CO, 80461

719 - 486 - 0240

Community Banks website HERE

The LLCEDC wouldn't be what it is without the ongoing support and encouragement of our members and investors. Every month we will spotlight a member to recognize their importance and impact in our community.


Peak Health Alliance is a member-led, non-profit health insurance purchasing cooperative whose mission is to leverage the purchasing power of an entire community by negotiating on their behalf for more competitive health insurance rates. Peak partners with local providers, hospitals, and carriers in Lake County to offer a full suite of comprehensive and affordable plans in the individual, self-funded, and small group market. Please contact Devin Kepler, Manager of Outreach at for more information, or visit our website at

For an overview of Peak Health Alliance in Spanish, please click here.

Visit Website HERE

How To Choose A Company Name

While mentoring a startup founder last month, I was asked to comment about using their personal name as the company name. I did not share what I thought about it, but instead offered thoughts on how to critically think about using their name. First, I asked if their name was well known in the industry for the unique service they were building the business concept around. If the name was not known, then critical marketing time and money would need to be spent to build the personal name as the “brand”. Second, I asked what their exit strategy was. For instance, if the founder sold the company at some later date and the new owner created negative PR, would that cause a negative reflection on the founder personallyread more

Welcome to our new series...

Business Thoughts Spotlight

Each week, we will highlight topics around four key business areas:

Planning; Accounting; Marketing/

Sales; and Human Resources

Read Full Article HERE




The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) works to create a positive business climate that encourages sustainable job growth and dynamic economic development. OEDIT strives to develop the state's economy financial and technical assistance as a means to support regional and local economic facilities throughout the state. To learn more about OEDIT and what they assist in, please click HERE to read more about them.

Visit website HERE


OEDIT Partnering with Exit Planning Institute on a 2022 Colorado State of Owner Readiness Survey

As the State of Colorado actively looks to support businesses through all stages of their journey, the Employee Ownership Office of Colorado is working in partnership with the Exit Planning Institute to create the State of Owner Readiness Report. This research gives an inside look on how prepared private business owners are to sell or exit their businesses and allows for our statewide business community to best prepare for this next step, consider all of their options, and improve their individual transition success. Your participation in the 2022 Colorado State of Owner Readiness survey will help Colorado continue discovering new opportunities to support business owners. Responses to the survey are confidential and it will take about 12 minutes to complete.

To see a full list of open OEDIT programs, please click on the link below.

See Programs HERE


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COMMUNITY SURVEY: Affordable Housing Development in Leadville

If you weren't able to attend either of the charrette sessions on April 14th for Leadville and Lake County's Affordable Housing Conference, you are still encouraged to take the housing questionnaire for your housing experience. To fill out the questionnaire, scan the QR codes attached to the flyer HERE. It is available in English and Spanish.

Lake County Website
City of Leadville Website
Open House Flyer_Survey.png

Additional Updates & Resources

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Come down to the Golden Burro this Friday, April 22nd, for Earth Day Trivia with C4!

Friday, April 22nd


Golden Burro

710 Harrison ave.

More info HERE
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Join C4, Leadville Main Street Program and partners again this year for our annual Leadville Lake County Community Clean Up! Stay tuned for registration information.

To see our partners and their websites, view the poster HERE

Saturday, June 11th

9:00am - 1:00pm


May 16th, 8:00am-5:30pm

Salida Steamplant Event Center

EARLY registration fee: $75.00

Registration Fee: $90 after April 25th.

Team discounts and scholarships are available. Contact Miranda Grant at for details.

More info HERE
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Be sure to check out the workshops and sessions offered by our SCORE Partners.

Check out Workshops HERE
Workshop Calendar HERE

Check out SBDC resources available to support small businesses, non-profits, freelancers, and independent contractors.

SBDC Workshops HERE
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Need a refresher on what the LLCEDC does and the role we play in our community?

Check out the FAQ HERE


Membership benefits are extensive and include…

  • Involvement and decision making in the direction, goals, efforts, and accomplishments of the Leadville Lake County Economic Development Corporation.
  • Ability to participate with our healthcare alliance and enterprise zone programs.
  • Participation in developing business resources and the small business lending resources to further enhance the benefits of the LLCEDC to local businesses as well as other LLCEDC members. AND MUCH MORE!

To read more about the benefits are of becoming a member, click here. To become an LLCEDC member, fill out the application form here or click the link below.


Check out the 2022 LLCEDC Board of Directors and Meeting Schedule HERE

Thank You Partners

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Thank You Donor Members

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Click HERE for a full member list

Our Mission Statement

The Leadville Lake County Economic Development Corporation is the leading catalyst for business success by helping to retain and expand the economic base in Leadville and Lake County.

Visit our website:


400 Harrison Ave, Ste #100, PO Box 1503, Leadville, CO 80461

719-293-2316 •
