Hello juniors and parents, 

We’ve taken time over the last couple of weeks to analyze and examine multiple options to best support the Class of 2021 to have a high quality LINK Internship experience as a part of their Animas High School education. Thank you to those of you who have provided your input on the survey- your feedback has been incredibly helpful. 

We intend to offer flexibility and continuous support so that each student in the Class of 2021 can have a valuable internship experience. Please see below for the changes. I am hoping to connect with each and every one of you in the coming month to support you to meet your goals!

Class of 2021 LINK Internship: 
LINK Timeline: You may complete your LINK Internship any time between now and your graduation in May 2021. I do suggest completing it within a shorter time frame (within one or two months) in order to have more of an immersive experience. Although I know it isn’t feasible with every interest area and with the unpredictability of the current era, yet completing an internship before senior year is highly encouraged as it provides valuable experience that will help as you apply to colleges and determine which direction you might want to take your senior project. 

Altered LINK “Window” Dates: RESCHEDULED for May 4th to May 22nd . Juniors will not have any core subject classes during this time, although they may still have projects to finish that will be due after this new LINK window. Electives will continue for most juniors, though this will vary depending upon elective and internship timing. Remember, your internship may begin before or after this. If you don’t have an internship, we hope that you’ll use this window to work towards confirming internship plans for the summer or fall and, of course, to support your family and your community in amazing Osprey ways if you are able.

LINK Requirements remain the same: 
Confirmed mentor
90+ hours completed in internship 
LINK Project completion (Projects are planned in collaboration between mentor and intern and most projects closely resemble the work that a professional would do, when possible. Project work time can and should count towards 90 hours.)
Final Presentation (timing and format TBD) 

LINK Support
Many of the tools you need can be found on the LINK website . Popular pages include How to Contact a Potential Mentor and Previous Internship Placements for local ideas, although they may be more appropriate this summer or fall. 
I am still absolutely available and looking forward to supporting students! Please email or set up an appointment if you’d like an online meeting or phone call

LINK Confirmation
As the situation has changed drastically, I’m asking each of you who have confirmed an internship to re-confirm with a new form that I’ll be creating to provide the additional details that I’ll need to support you.  I’ll share that early next week as well as post it on the LINK website. 

LINK Flexibility
Your internship can be within a three week window such as May 4-22 if you wish. If you already had plans to begin on April 27, you may continue with those plans as well, just be sure to let your teachers know so they canl work to support you. If you’d like to do your internship for three weeks in the summer, great! If your internship works best more spread out, doing fewer hours over more weeks, that’s great too. 

If you do not have an internship completed by September, I will meet with each of you individually to help you come up with a plan that works for you. Depending on your area of interest, it may be best to wait until your senior year, for example, if your internship is to teach elementary school or in the medical field. Hopefully you will still be doing an internship, but I can imagine certain circumstances where a different career exploration option may be suitable in order to earn the required credit. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it and aim to agree on a plan that suits each individual’s situation and learning goals. We will ask that each of you have an internship completed OR have the set up confirmed by the time of your Senior POL in December. 

I know this is a lot of new information and many questions may arise. Please don’t hesitate to email or schedule a meeting so that I can support you with your questions, concerns, and next steps. 

LINK continues to be my pride and joy and I am looking forward to helping each and every one of you to find an opportunity that is exciting and offers great learning! 

Sending health and peace, 