LiNK E-News
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
July 9, 2020
Dear Linden Hills Neighbor,

Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) would like to know if Linden Hills residents support two new park projects being considered for our neighborhood: clay courts in Waveland Triangle and a small pavilion by the bocce courts in Linden Hills Park. 
The projects would be paid for with Park Dedication fees . Park Dedication fees are assessed on any development within Minneapolis and are designed to enhance the park system for those new residents or employees moving into the city. Linden Hills has accrued more than $180K in park dedication fees. 
LHiNC is surveying our residents to determine your support for these projects and to find out what future projects you'd like to see in our parks. Please take this survey today:
This survey will close Tuesday, July 14 at 8:00 p.m. The results will be shared with MPRB, as well as with our community. Thank you for taking the time to participate!
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
612-926-2906 /

Celebrate our neighborhood by tagging and following us on Instagram |  @linden_hills_council
LHiNC welcomes article contributions | submissions may be edited for length, clarity and relevance. Advertising and anonymous contributions are not accepted.

Editor: Carol Clemens -
Content Contributor: Becky Allen - Executive Director LHiNC -