Congratulations to Lift For Life Academy Graduates!

This year, Lift For Life Academy graduated more than 200 students from Kindergarten, 4th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade combined! The kindergarten and 4th grade ceremonies were held in LFLA’s gym on Wednesday, May 22nd, while the 8th grade and 12th grade ceremonies occurred at Harris-Stowe State University on Thursday, May 23rd.

LFLA Kindergarteners celebrated with their families, friends, and teachers for their accomplishments throughout the year and cheered  when they received their certificates from Dr. Katrice Noble to become official 1st graders.

The 4th graders this year were truly a special bunch! Students in this group were part of the inaugural LFLA Kindergarten class when the elementary school opened in 2019, and, as they continue through school, they will be the first group of students to complete their entire K-12 education at Lift For Life Academy. Students received their certificates from Dr. Tommy Devitt as he closed out his tenure as LFLA Elementary School Principal.

The 8th grade graduates of LFLA Middle School received numerous awards and accolades at their graduation ceremony on May 23. Students were honored with awards for attendance, athletics, academic achievement, and more. Speeches were given by the class valedictorian, Emme J, and the class salutatorian, Zion H. Middle School administrators Dr. Alicia Leathers and Ms. Tierra Jackson presented each student with a certificate of completion.

Families, friends, teachers, and board members gathered at Harris-Stowe later that day  to celebrate the Lift For Life Academy Class of 2024. The ceremony featured speeches by the valedictorian, Paige, F. and the salutatorian, Julissa R.; Board President Scott Dolan; Principal Jeff Edwards; Deputy Director Dr. Katrice Noble; Executive Director Marshall Cohen; and guests presenting scholarships. In total, Lift For Life Academy awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to recipients in the class of 2024. Thank you to our generous sponsors who make these awards possible!

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Scott R. Dolan


Tami Fernandez

Vice President

Kate Hatfield 


Brian Liberman


Ernest K. (Ernie) Banks

Dennis Cope

Sheila Gurley, Ed.S.

Beau Herndon

Mary Jo Liberstein, Ph.D. 

Mark Schweiss

Debbie Champion Snyder

Steven M. Stone

Gina Wischmeyer

Paige Fowler, Class of 2024

Student Representative

Tatyana Jones, Class of 2024

Student Representative



Tami Fernandez


Todd Taylor

Vice President

Scott Dolan


Erich Thurmann


Marshall Cohen

Susan K. Goldberg

Marylen Mann

Dr. Katrice Noble

Carol Staenberg



Marshall Faulk

Carla Scissors-Cohen



Dr. Jack Burke

John Mann

Marshall Cohen


Dr. Katrice Noble

Deputy Director

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