Thanks to everyone who participated in our July monthly LD meeting. We heard from our fabulous Democratic candidates for Congressional District 1: Adam Metzendorf and Jevin Hodge along with Representative Judy Schwiebert who is running for re-election and AZ State Senate candidate Jeanne Casteen.

We also heard about all of the ways you can help out with our elections to ensure the integrity of this important right we have as citizens. You can volunteer to be a Poll Observer – where you need to sign-up for training ahead of time with Mission for Arizona HERE.

To participate in the Hand Audit (where you are paid plus get lunch) on Saturday August 6, you have to SIGN-UP.


You can be a paid poll worker for the primary and/or general election by applying online with the Maricopa County Elections Department HERE.


Make sure you do your part, if you are able. At the very least, make sure you vote and tell your friends to do the same.


The Hall of Fame honors individuals for their longstanding service and dedication to the community and to the values, principles, and mission of the Arizona Democratic Party.

To nominate an individual, you must submit a letter of endorsement detailing merit, accomplishment, outstanding effort, exceptional service, notable recognition, etc. for the nominee. There is a minimum of 200 words for each submission. You may nominate multiple individuals.

All entries must be received by 5 p.m., Tuesday, July 26th, 2022

If you are interested in submitting a nominee, contact Janet Wilson at chair@azld2dems.org to receive the submission link.


You’ve probably heard the phrase: “signs don’t vote,” but I think it helps in a subliminal way. The campaign is looking for volunteers who can help with installing street signs for our candidates. These signs are the larger ones which involve pounding rebar into the ground. If you can assist with pick-up and/or installation, please contact Mary Fortney at: mfortney@azdem.org.

Have an extra room and/or a bedroom? Can you help with providing supporter housing for an out-of-state person working on the LD2 campaign? If you can help out, please contact Mary Fortney at: mfortney@azdem.org

Candidate yard signs will be available at the LD meetings and other on-site events. Want to make phone calls, write postcards, or help with canvassing?

Please contact our LD2 Campaign Organizer, Taylor Nelson, who will be able to plug you into the right opportunity where you can get involved; she can be reached at 515-822-4022 or tnelson@azdem.org.

Special highlight of upcoming events:

  • 07/23 – Canvass from 9:30am-noon followed by a Meet the Candidates event
  • 07/25 – Evening Canvass from 5:30-7:30pm at Acoma Park, 14421 N 39th Ave
  • 07/26 – An evening with Dr. Hiral Tipirneni

For a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities, please use the button below.



Hear ye! Hear ye! You can now order LD2 business cards at $30/box of 100 cards & name badges at $15/badge. We are using J & R Printing (a Union Printer in Phoenix) for our needs. As was demonstrated during the July LD2 meeting, please visit THIS LINK to submit and pay for your order.

We should have them ready in time for pickup at the August LD2 meeting. If you have any issues with ordering them, please contact Whit at whit@azld2dems.org


Remember when Prop 305 was overwhelmingly rejected by the voters in 2018? Unfortunately, the AZ Legislature voted to effectively dismantle public education by passing HB2853 Universal ESA Voucher Expansion. We’ve proven in the past how those of us who believe in properly funding public education can mobilize and do what needs to be done. To that end, we must collect 118,823 valid signatures before September 24, 2022 to stop universal ESA voucher expansion from going into effect. This referendum will then go on the Nov 2024 ballot where AZ voters can reject it once and for all.

At the August LD meeting, we will be bringing this petition for PCs to check out their own petition so that they can collect signatures from their neighbors.

To learn more, visit www.teamsosarizona.com


Mission for Arizona has a Voter Assistance Hotline. The line is currently staffed with limited hours, but they will be ramping up as we get closer to the general election. They are looking for volunteers to help staff this Hotline. This is a great way to help and can be done from your home. SIGN UP to volunteer for the Hotline.

See our opening paragraph for ways where you can participate as a Poll Worker, Poll Observer, or assist with the Hand Audit.


If you are distraught by what’s going on in AZ with respect to a woman’s right to choose, then contact www.abortionfundofaz.org if you want to help them out. This group provides direct assistance to people seeking abortion care in AZ. They view the right to abortion as a fundamental human right, essential for equality, health, and dignity.


Can you help us with our social media? Are you a pro with posting to Twitter? What about other social media apps? We are looking for individuals who can help us with Tweeting news & events pertaining to LD2 – can you help us out? You don’t have to be a PC. Do you have a student who needs Community Service hours? Please contact Chair, Janet Wilson at chair@azld2dems.org to get involved.


Human interaction is good for the mind and the soul. I’d like to see us expand our reach by providing different options to engage not only our PCs but the general community with the formation of selected types of LD2 Dems clubs. One particular club which comes to mind is a Book Club. If you are interested in being a member of this club and/or have a recommendation for a different club, please contact Chair, Janet Wilson at chair@azld2dems.org.The only bad ideas are ones which you hold onto yourself and don’t share.


You may wonder, what do we do with these funds? Since this is the first year we’ve been LD2 and now that we have our new logo, we need to create new marketing material. In addition to paying for our new meeting location, during this cycle, we will be making it easier for voters in our district to “get out the vote” (aka: GOTV) by crafting campaign literature. Are you a recurring donor to LD2? If not, it’s fast and easy and you will be automatically entered to win a gift card for your recurring donation? 

Anyone can donate - you don’t have to live in LD2.

How about $22 for LD2 in 2022?

If you have any questions, please contact LD2 Treasurer Truly Bone at Treasurer@azld2dems.org

Easy-peasy with the button below!



July 25: Last day to mail your Primary ballot!


July 26: Blue Tuesday Luncheon Forum

Noon-1:30pm via zoom

Speakers for July include: Martin Quezada – candidate for AZ State Treasurer, Lauren Kuby, candidate for AZ Corporation Commission, and CAWCD Water Board candidates: Ben Graff, Ylenia Aguilar, and Jim Pederson.

To sign up, send an email to:



July 26: An Evening with Dr. Hiral Tipirneni

6-8PM, address provided upon RSVP

Join Rep Judy Schwiebert and AZ State Senate candidate Jeanne Casteen with special guest Dr. Hiral Tipirneni as they discuss what’s at stake in November. RSVP HERE


Aug 2: Primary Election Day, 6AM-7PM


Aug 9: LD2 Happy Hour at State48

in the Norterra Section, 5-7PM

You never know who will attend our LD2 Happy Hour – we will be inviting several candidates. Look here for more details in future newsletters.


Aug 17: LD2 Monthly Meeting at Paradise Valley Community College Conference Center, 6:30PM

LD2 is holding their monthly meeting at the PVCC Conference Center (17811 N 32nd St) on August 17th at 6:30pm. We are still working on the agenda, but hope to have some of our primary winners attend our meeting. The PVCC Conf Center is located off 32nd St, just South of Grovers. You’ll see a separate parking lot from the main campus.

Agenda will be sent to PCs in advance of the meeting.

Reminder: LD 2 has resumed our monthly food drive to be donated to a local Food Bank. Please bring your non-perishable donated items. We will also be collecting non-perishable pet food. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Paradise Valley USD – District Administrative Center / 15002 N 32nd St; Phoenix – Typically the first and third Thursday of the month. Governing Board | Paradise Valley Unified School District (pvschools.net)

Deer Valley USD – 20402 N 15th Ave; Phoenix – Typically the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Governing Board / Governing Board (dvusd.org)

Glendale Union High School District – 7650 N 43rd Ave; Glendale – Typically the first and third Wednesday of the month. Meeting Dates 2021-2022 - GUHSD (guhsdaz.org)

Washington Elementary School District – 4650 W Sweetwater Ave; Glendale – Typically the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Not open to the public, but meetings are live streamed. Governing Board / Governing Board Meeting Schedule (wesdschools.org)

2022 IS HERE!

A recurring monthly donation of $5, $10, or more to AZ LD2 Democrats will go a long way toward helping us finish the job of turning Arizona blue!
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