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The next couple weeks include some key events for our LD, include the Flag Day Happy Hour on June 14th and the Monthly LD2 Meeting on June 15th. 

With that in mind, and as part of this week’s CALL TO ACTION: 

Identify one action you can take to help someone from your community get involved in LD2 Democrats. 

Here are some suggestions for your consideration, and we’d love to hear your recommendations as well:

  1. Expect to Connect: Next time you’re at the grocery store or dropping off mail at the Post Office, have the expectation of yourself to connect with one person and invite them to the upcoming Flag Day Happy Hour. 
  2. Conversation Starters: Right now, the NBA Playoffs are in the Final round! “Are you rooting for Golden State or the Celtics?” Although we have a lot of Bostonians in the Valley of the Sun, keep in mind, Steve Kerr (the Coach of Golden State) is a former Arizona Wildcat. 
  3. Empathy and Reciprocity: We’re all feeling it [the pain] right now. And I know we’re all calling for ACTION RIGHT NOW, but sometimes, people just need an ear to listen. Sense and respond to how people are feeling, and if you’re open to it, reciprocate, and share your feelings as well. 
  4. Bring a Friend or Neighbor: Carpool to the Flag Day Happy Hour or the upcoming LD 2 Monthly meeting. 
  5. Meet the Candidates: If you haven’t had the chance to connect with the candidates, make it your mission – this month – to make that happen. The candidates are incredible people, who are tremendously engaged in our best interests. We are fortunate to have role models in them. 

There are a lot of undecided voters out there right now and so, let’s hug them in. Let’s get voters connected to Rep. Judy Schwiebert and Jeanne Casteen’s efforts! The June 14th Flag Day Happy Hour is the perfect venue to make this happen. Every single person we know needs to show up and vote this year. 

And remember – one small step, one action in your day, could significantly influence the change we need to see happen in November. We’ll see you at Happy Hour and at this month’s LD meeting.

Take care,

Meg Patel, EdD

First Vice Chair, LD2





Wanted: Logo designs for LD2 Democrats.

There are only a few days left before the June 6th deadline to submit your logo. Voting will take place at this month’s LD meeting. This will be a big decision for the team as this will be our logo for the next decade. This logo will be incorporated into our social media platforms, printed materials, name badges, banners, t-shirt, and more, so that we have a consistent look and feel to our “brand”. You don’t have to live in LD2, nor do you have to be a PC in order to submit your artwork. You can enter more than once. Winner will receive a gift card.

Here are the details:

  1. It must specify our LD number
  2. It must include the word Dems or Democrats
  3. It can not include any copyrighted material
  4. The LD2 Board reserves the right to reject unsuitable submissions
  5. Deadline for submission: June 6th 

Only PCs can vote for the winning logo which will be conducted via email. We will send PCs the details in a future email. The winning entry will be presented at our June 15th LD meeting.

Questions? Contact LD2 First Vice Chair Meg Patel at disruptivecharm@gmail.com



Are you a recurring donor to LD2? If not, did you know that it’s fast and easy and you will be automatically entered to win a gift card for your recurring donation. Anyone can donate - you don’t have to live in LD2.

  • How about $22 for LD2 in 2022?
  • Or $2 for 2022?

If you have any questions, please contact LD2 Treasurer Truly Bone at Treasurer@azld2dems.org

Easy-peasy with the button below!




Please join us on Flag Day. As a way to attract more people to LD2 Democrats while supporting local businesses, your LD2 Board is bringing back Happy Hour events starting in June. We will begin in the Northern section of LD2 and need your help to promote this event. We’ll be dropping fliers at our Democratic neighbors’ doors inviting them to join us. Need lit droppers and drivers.

Sign up to help out by contacting: Aaron Connor at: agconnor71@gmail.com

We plan to have two more events between now and the election. We must capitalize on these events and make the most out of them. If you have a recommendation for a local business, preferably owned by a Democrat, please send us your recommendation to: chair@azld2dems.org

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Do you have a pick-up truck? Can you help bring folding chairs to various events for our LD2 candidates such as house parties and candidate in the park events?

If so, please contact Mary Fortney, LD2 Campaign Manager, at: mfortney@azdem.org or 602-376-7453 for more details

Here are some other ways you can help:

  • Make phone calls
  • Knock on neighborhood doors
  • Drive a door knocker, which is especially important in the summer
  • Host a house party with your neighbors

These are just some of the ways you can help our LD2 Candidates get their message out to our voters. This is especially important in the regions of our district where we don’t have any PC representation which we learned about our April meeting.

Please contact our LD2 Campaign Organizer, Taylor Nelson who will be able to find just the right opportunity where you can get involved; she can be reached at 515-822-4022 or tnelson@azdem.org

A small sampling:

  • 06/04 from 9:30am-noon – Canvass, meet at Lookout Mountain Park, 14441 N 18th St
  • 06/04 from 3-5pm - Phonebank, make calls from the comfort of your home or ANY place
  • 06/07 from 5-7:30pm – Canvass, meet at Moon Valley Park, 502 W Coral Gables Dr
  • 06/08 from 5-7:30pm – Canvass, meet at Moon Valley Park, 502 W Coral Gables Dr
  • 06/08 from 5-7:30pm - Phonebank, make calls from the comfort of your home or ANY place
  • 06/09 from 5-7:30pm – Canvass, meet at Moon Valley Park, 502 W Coral Gables Dr
  • 06/11 from 3-5pm - Phonebank, make calls from the comfort of your home or ANY place

For a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities, please use the button below.

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Have you always wanted to learn how to register voters and become a Deputy Registrar? You can help out with registering new citizens at their naturalization ceremonies. It’s a great training session.

June 8th at 5pm REGISTER HERE


June 22nd at 5pm REGISTER HERE

Have questions? Contact Diane at the Recorder’s Office: dsibenaller@risc.maricopa.gov

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Lots of Dems running for School Board.

As you know, LD2 is split between Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD), Paradise Valley Unified School District (PVUSD), and Washington Elementary School District (WESD) / Glendale Union High School District (GUHSD).

Call to Action: Each PC should contact the appropriate individuals representing your school district and help them by getting them 10 signatures on a nominating petition. Most candidates will be attending various LD2 canvasses and other events.




LD2’s very own PC: Craig Beckman is running for the Deer Valley Unified School Board along with another Democrat: Stephanie Simacek who is a current substitute with kids in the district. See how you can help them and to find out more:

To find out more:









For those of you residing in the Washington Elementary School District, support fellow Democrats: Kyle Clayton & Tamillia Valenzuela. Kyle is having events to gather signatures every Saturday in May and June. See how you can help him and to find out more:




For those of you residing in the Paradise Valley Unified School District, support fellow Democrats: Kerry Baker and Tony Pantera. See how you can help them and to find out more:


email Tony at: trailmastr@hotmail.com


June 14: LD2’s First Happy Hour, 5-7PM

June 11: March For Our Lives Phoenix, 5:00PM

The march is on again! We hope you can join this student-led event and call-to-action for gun safety reform. The march will take place at the Arizona State Capital Building on 1700 W. Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007. Please visit THIS WEBSITE to learn more, contribute/donate, or signup to be a volunteer. 


Join us on Flag Day for LD2’s first Happy Hour at Ah-So Sushi & Steak Restaurant.  LD2 will provide limited appetizers as we introduce our group to our neighbors. It’s an open invitation to all of our Democratic and school board candidates so you never know who will attend.



June 15: LD2 Monthly Meeting at Paradise Valley Community College Conference Center, 6:30pm

LD2 is holding their monthly meeting at the PVCC Conference Center on June 15th at 6:30pm.  This will be our second on-site, hybrid meeting. The PVCC Conf Center is located off 32nd St, just South of Grovers. You’ll see a separate parking lot from the main campus. Agenda will be sent to PCs in advance of the meeting.

Reminder: LD 2 is starting a food drive to be donated to a local Food Bank. Please bring your non-perishable donated items. We will also be collecting non-perishable pet food.

For directions if you're coming in-person

or the Zoom registration link please


Looking forward to seeing everyone!


June 25: MCDP Summer Convention

at Central HS, 9am-3pm

On-site meeting – NO zoom.  I’ve heard there will be some special speakers.  All PCs will receive postcards announcing the meeting after Memorial Day.  There will be bylaws to be voted on at the meeting, hence the long time allocated for the convention.  Booths will be setup for all LDs within our county and plenty of candidates.  There will be volunteer opportunities to help with check-in.


There is a new Citizens Initiative creating a series of VOTING RIGHTS statutes that address both the AZ voting suppression bills passed in 2021 and some of those being considered in 2022 by the AZ Legislature.

The Initiative needs 237,645 valid signatures by early July. To help out with this group, contact Rita Meehan, Regional Director at rita@azfe.org or 415-748-2726.


Paradise Valley USD – District Administrative Center / 15002 N 32nd St; Phoenix – Typically the first and third Thursday of the month. Governing Board | Paradise Valley Unified School District (pvschools.net)

Deer Valley USD – 20402 N 15th Ave; Phoenix – Typically the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Governing Board / Governing Board (dvusd.org)

Glendale Union High School District – 7650 N 43rd Ave; Glendale – Typically the first and third Wednesday of the month. Meeting Dates 2021-2022 - GUHSD (guhsdaz.org)

Washington Elementary School District – 4650 W Sweetwater Ave; Glendale – Typically the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Not open to the public, but meetings are live streamed. Governing Board / Governing Board Meeting Schedule (wesdschools.org)

2022 IS HERE!

A recurring monthly donation of $5, $10, or more to AZ LD2 Democrats will go a long way toward helping us finish the job of turning Arizona blue!
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