In the first half of this year, LCNP has been deeply engaged on core nuclear weapons issues. I represented LCNP at the annual “DC Days” organized by the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability in May. I was part of several meetings with members of Congress and their staff, as well as a meeting with a top official in the National Nuclear Security Administration, and distributed LCNP’s May 2024 paper, The Sentinel Missile Project: Risks and Costs. The paper, primarily authored by LCNP President Guy Quinlan, explains that land-based missiles are destabilizing because they are inherently vulnerable. Further, ongoing development of a new land-based missile, now experiencing a major cost overrun, is contrary to commitments the US has made under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and a misallocation of talent and money.
On another front, LCNP Senior Analyst John Burroughs authored a cover article, “The Inadmissibility of Nuclear Threats,” for the April 2024 issue of Arms Control Today. In the article, he explains the legal foundation for the unacceptability of nuclear threats, whether aggressive or defensive, through an analysis of the 1996 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legality of threat or use of nuclear weapons. The article reflects John’s long experience with the issues, going back to when he served as the LCNP/IALANA World Court Project coordinator for the 1995 hearings before the ICJ concerning the General Assembly’s request for an advisory opinion. John was also a speaker in a recent People’s Academy of International Law webinar, “Abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants” (video and texts here).