Dear LCLUCers,

As you see, my wishes a year ago for the virus-free 2021 were not fulfilled. The second year has passed with restrictions varying from stricter to softer and back to stricter, the new variants coming in waves. We all adjusted to the changes in our personal life and work mode, became experts in virtual meetings, giving up international travel, but started some socializing and participating in limited holiday celebrations.

In keeping with the LCLUC tradition, I will herein summarize achievements of the second strange year – 2021 - list our plans and convey my best wishes to the whole LCLUC family and our friends around the world.

LCLUC-19 and -2021 selections brought many Early Career Scientists and diversity in geographic areas for studies all over the world. The hotspots map is getting populated as new projects get accepted. It has been developed by the joint effort of LCLUC support team members Indrani and Meghavi (kudos to them). During the past few years, the Program has invested a lot of time and money in South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) and now is in good position to synthesize the accumulated knowledge. The amended call of LCLUC-21 (A.47) directed at developing SARI synthesis is out now. Large teams are expected to submit proposals. Only two teams will be selected: one for South Asia and one for Southeast Asia. ROSES-2022 will be announced as usual around Valentine Day (mid Feb). The LCLUC-2022 solicitation will have two elements: 1) to continue identifying high-impact LCLUC "hotspot" areas around the globe, where human-induced LCLUC is occurring at a landscape scale; and 2) to undertake research on land-use adaptation to climate change. Read More